ey are not looked on without some suspicion.
+Enesti gar pos touto te tyrannidi
Nosema, tois philoisi me pepoithenai+.
{A} 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1832.
{B} The tambouria are always constructed with the ditch in the inside,
in order that they may afford a better cover from artillery.
{C} One English sufferer has for several years vainly attacked the king
for justice, even with the assistance of the English Minister in Greece
and the Foreign Office at home.
Aborigines of New Holland, the, 193.
Achilles Tatius, account of his romance of Clitophon and Leucippe, 33.
Actual condition of the Greek state, the, 785.
Aden, the British position of, 272.
Adventures in Texas.--No. III. the Struggle, 18.
Adventures of Clitophon and Leucippe, the, 33.
Africa, ignorance of the interior of, 269.
Africa--the Slave Trade--and Tropical Colonies, 730
various expeditions to explore, 731
its principal rivers, and countries watered by them, 734.
Agriculture, causes of the decline of, in the Roman empire, 391.
Ameer Ali, a Thug, account of, 326.
Ameers of Scinde, case of the, 580.
Anti-corn-law League, measures of the, 121.
Ancient Greek romances--Clitophon and Leucippe, 33.
Arabs of Cordova, sketch of the history of the, 431.
Australia, statistics of the various colonies of, 184.
Banking in Australia, on, 186.
Banking-House, the, a history in three part. Part III. Chap. I., Symptoms
of rottenness, 50
Chap. II., A meeting, 56
Chap. III., A chapter of loans, 61
Chap. IV., A dissolution of partnership, 65
Chap. V., The crisis, 69
Chap. VI., The crash, 75
Chap. VII., The vicarage, 79.
Beau Brummell, Jesse's memoirs of, reviewed, 769.
Beauclerk, Topham, 182.
Beke, Dr. T. C., his travels in Africa, 740.
Belfront castle, a retrospective review, 334.
Benton, Mr, on the treaty of Washington, 112.
Bewailment from Bath, a, or Poor Old Maids, 199.
Bristol, the Earl of, 180.
British fleet, the, 462.
Brummell, Jesse's memoirs of, reviewed, 769.
Bumbo Khan, sketch of, 223.
Bundelcund, Colonel Davidson's travels in, 325.
Canadian insurgents, trials of the, 3.
Catholicism, effects of in Ireland, 520.
Chartists, state trials of the, in 1842, 5.
Cheap labour and cheap bread, connection of, 125.
Chudleigh, Miss, career of, 180.
Church of Scotland, the secession from the, 221.
Churkaree, town of, 3