, General, sketch of the life of, 785.
Kieff, a poem, translated from the Russian of Ivan Kozloff, by T. B.
Shaw, 80.
Kingston, the Duchess of, 180.
Krapf, Mr, notices of his mission to Africa, 730.
Labour, gradual reduction in the cost of, in Great Britain, 125.
Lahore, revolution at, 581.
Lajetchnikoff, the Heretic by, reviewed, 133.
Lanarkshire, statistics of crime in, and its police, 537, 539.
Land of slaves, the, a poem, 257.
Landlord and tenant question in Ireland, the, 638.
Larresse on Portrait Painting, extracts from, 246.
Law, administration of the, in India, 333.
Lazzaroni of Naples, anecdotes of the, 354.
League, measures of the, 121.
Lemuel Gulliver, letter from, to the editor, 98.
Le Sage not the author of Gil Blas, 698.
Letter from an exiled contributor, 184.
Literature, the monster misery of, 556.
Llorente, M. on the authorship of Gil Blas, 698.
Lorgnon; a word or two of the opera-tive classes by, 292.
Love in the wilderness. Chap. I., 621
Chap. II., 624
Chap. III., 627
Chap. IV., 631
Chap. V., 635.
Luckless lover, the, a poem, 383.
Lusatia, traditions and tales of; No. I., the Fairies' Sabbath, 665.
Mahratta war, origin, &c., of the, 584.
Manufacturing distress, Sir Robert Peel on the causes of the, 105.
Marston, or, Memoirs of a Statesman. Part VII., 81
Part VIII., 202
Part IX., 362
Part X., 483
Part XI., 561.
Meeanee, battle of, 580.
Melbourne in Australia, letter from, with account of the colony, &c., 184.
Memoirs of a Statesman--_see_ Marston.
Memoirs of Earl St Vincent, review of, 462.
Mexico, two nights in, 449.
Michael Kalliphournas, a tale, 725.
Monster misery of literature, the, 556.
Monmouthshire rioters, trial of the, 4.
Moslem histories of Spain; the Arabs of Cordova, 431.
My friend; a poem, 256.
Naples, account of, by Dumas, 347.
Narration of certain uncommon things that did formerly happen to me,
Herbert Willis, B. D., 749.
Nelson, notices of the early services of, 477.
New art of printing, by a designing devil, 45.
News from an exiled contributor, a letter from New Holland, 184.
Non-intrusionists, secession of the, from church of Scotland, 221.
O'Connell and others, trial of, 1
his trial in 1831, 3
his present trial and demeanour during it, 7
his probable policy in agitating for Repeal, 128.
O'Connor, Fergus, state prosecutions of, 6.
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