, Baldwin, New York.
_Executive Committee_--The above three and W. C. REED, Vincennes,
Ind., and J. RUSSELL SMITH, Swarthmore, Penn.
_Acting Secretary_--DR. W. C. DEMING, Wilton, Conn.
PRESIDENT REED: In regard to the change in the constitution,
that will have to go over until next year.
MR. OLCOTT: The constitution provides that notice be given to
this convention for action to be taken a year from now; or that thirty
days before action is taken, the notice be sent to the members. It seems
to me that inasmuch as the action proposed is fully understood, that
Dr. Deming is available, and Mr. Bixby kindly consented while Dr. Deming
was tied up in the war work to look after this work, that there really
is enough for two, and as both are agreeable, this is the time to take
that action to become effective a year from now unless you can bring it
about quicker.
PRESIDENT REED: I should think it is only necessary to take the
action on that. If there is some one better posted on parliamentary law,
who thinks entire action better be taken at this time, I will entertain
a motion. If not, we will let it stand as it is at present.
MR. OLCOTT: I move that it is the sentiment of this convention,
and that the members should be notified through the annual report and
the regular proceedings, that that action is contemplated--to divide the
office of Secretary-Treasurer at the next annual meeting, and that the
constitution be changed as follows:
That Article IV, _Officers_, be changed as follows: There shall be a
president, a vice-president, a treasurer and a secretary, who shall be
elected at the annual meeting; and an executive committee of six persons
of which the president, two last retiring presidents, vice-president,
treasurer and secretary shall be members. There shall be a state
vice-president from each state, dependency, or county represented in the
membership of the association, who shall be appointed by the president.
That Article VII, _Quorum_, be changed as follows: Ten members of the
association shall constitution a quorum, but must include a majority of
the executive committee, or two of the four elected officers.
VOICE: I second the motion.
PRESIDENT REED: It is moved and seconded that this matter come
up at the next annual meeting to be voted on as presented by Mr. Olcott.
All in favor say Aye; opposed, No. CARRIED. I believe we have a
report of the auditing committee that