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The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Masterpieces of German Literature Vol. 19VariousenThe Contemporary Short Story. By Julius Petersen -- The Ball of Crystal. -- Burning Love. -- Gay Hearts. -- Tonio Kröger. -- Matt the Holy. -- The Styrian Wine-Carter. -- Mara. -- In the Old "Sun." -- Stephen the Smith. -- The Iron Idol.Francke, Kuno, 1855-1930 [Editor]2010-01-12
The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 08 Masterpieces of German Literature Translated into EnglishenThe Novel of Provincial Life. By Edwin C. Roedder -- AUERBACH: Little Barefoot. (abridged) -- GOTTHELF: Uli, The Farmhand. -- REUTER: The Bräsig Episodes from Ut mine Stromtid. (abridged) -- STIFTER: Rock Crystal. -- Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl. By Otto Heller -- RIEHL: Field and Forest. -- The Eye for Natural Scenery. -- The Musical Ear. -- The Struggle of the Rococo with the Pigtail.2004-06-01
The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 12enThe Life of Gustav Freytag. By Ernest F. Henderson FREYTAG: The Journalists. Doctor Luther. Frederick the Great. The Life of Theodor Fontane. By William A. Cooper FONTANE: Effi Briest. Extracts from "My Childhood Days." Sir Ribbeck of Ribbeck. The Bridge by the Tay.2004-12-26
The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 02 Masterpieces of German Literature Translated into English. in Twenty VolumesenIntroduction to the Elective Affinities. By Calvin Thomas GOETHE: The Elective Affinities. Shakespeare and Again Shakespeare. Oration on Wieland. The Pedagogic Province (from "Wilhelm Meister's Travels"). Winckelmann and His Age. Maxims and Reflections. Eckermann's Conversation with Goethe. Goethe's Correspondence with Wilhelm von Humboldt and His Wife. Goethe's Correspondence with K. F. Zelter.Francke, Kuno, 1855-1930 [Editor]2004-02-01
The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 09 Friedrich Hebbel and Otto LudwigenThe Life of Friedrich Hebbel. By William Guild Howard -- Hebbel: Maria Magdalena. -- Siegfried's Death. -- Anna. -- On Theodor Körner and Heinrich von Kleist. -- Ludolf Wienbarg's The Dramatists of the Present Day. -- Review of Heinrich von Kleist's Play, The Prince of Homburg, or The Battle of Fehrbellin. -- Recollections of My Childhood. (Extracts from the Journal of Friedrich Hebbel) -- The Life of Otto Ludwig. By Alexander R. Hohlfeld -- Ludwig: The Hereditary Forester. -- Between Heaven and Earth.2004-07-26
The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 04 Masterpieces of German Literature Translated into English. in Twenty VolumesenThe Life of Jean Paul. By Benjamin W. Wells. -- Quintus Fixlein's Wedding. -- Rome. -- The Opening of the Will. -- WILHELM VON HUMBOLDT Schiller and the Process of His Intellectual Development. -- The Early Romantic School. By James Taft Hatfield. -- AUGUST WILHELM SCHLEGEL Lectures on Dramatic Art. -- Introduction to Lucinda. By Calvin Thomas. -- Lucinda. -- Aphorisms. -- The Story of Hyacinth and Roseblossom. -- Aphorisms. -- Hymn to Night. -- Though None Thy Name Should Cherish. -- To the Virgin. -- Hyperion's Song of Fate. -- Evening Phantasie. -- Puss in Boots. -- Fair Eckbert. -- The Elves. -- The Life of Heinrich von Kleist. By John S. Nollen. -- Michael Kohlhaas. -- The Prince of Homburg.2004-04-01
The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 03 Masterpieces of German Literature Translated into English. in Twenty VolumesenLife of Schiller. By Calvin Thomas -- To the Ideal -- The Veiled Image at Saïs -- The Ideal and The Actual Life -- Genius -- Votive Tablets (Selections) -- The Maiden from Afar -- The Glove -- The Diver -- The Cranes of Ibycus -- Thee Words of Belief -- The Words of Error -- The Lay of the Bell -- The German Art -- Commencement of the New Century -- Cassandra -- Rudolph of Hapsburg -- Introduction to Wallenstein's Death. By William H. Carruth -- The Death of Wallenstein. -- Introduction to William Tell. By William H. Carruth -- William Tell. -- Homage of the Arts. -- The Thirty Years' War--Last Campaigns of Gustavus Adolphus. -- On the Use of the Chorus in Tragedy. -- Schiller's Correspondence with Goethe.Francke, Kuno, 1855-1930 [Editor]2004-03-01
The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 06 Masterpieces of German Literature Translated into English. in Twenty VolumesenThe Life of Heinrich Heine. By William Guild Howard -- Dedication. -- Songs. -- A Lyrical Intermezzo. -- Sonnets. -- Poor Peter. -- The Two Grenadiers. -- Belshazzar. -- The Pilgrimage to Kevlaar. -- The Return Home. -- Twilight. -- Hail to the Sea. -- In the Harbor. -- A New Spring. -- Abroad. -- The Sphinx. -- Germany. -- Enfant Perdu. -- The Battlefield of Hastings. -- The Asra. -- The Passion Flower. -- The Journey to the Harz. -- Boyhood Days. -- English Fragments--Dialogue on the Thames; London; Wellington. -- Lafayette. -- The Romantic School. -- The Rabbi of Bacharach. -- The Life of Franz Grillparzer. By William Guild Howard -- Medea. -- The Jewess of Toledo. -- The Poor Musician. -- My Journey to Weimar. -- Beethoven as a Letter Writer. By Walter R. Spalding -- Beethoven's Letters.2004-05-01
The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 01 Masterpieces of German Literature Translated into English.enThe Life of Goethe. By Calvin Thomas -- Greeting and Departure. -- The Heathrose. -- Mahomet's Song. -- Prometheus. -- The Wanderer's Night-Song. -- The Sea-Voyage. -- To the Moon. -- The Fisherman. -- The Wanderer's Night-Song. -- The Erl-King. -- The Godlike. -- Mignon. -- Proximity of the Beloved One. -- The Shepherd's Lament. -- Nature and Art -- Comfort in Tears. -- Epilog to Schiller's "Song of the Bell." -- Ergo Bibamus. -- The Walking Bell. -- Found. -- Hatem. -- Reunion. -- Procemion. -- The One and The All. -- Lines on Seeing Schiller's Skull. -- A Legacy. -- Introduction to Hermann and Dorothea. By Arthur H. Palmer -- Harmann and Dorothea. -- Introduction to Iphigenia in Tauris. By Arthur H. Palmer -- Iphigenia in Tauris. -- The Faust Legend from Marlowe to Goethe. By Kuno Francke -- Introduction to Faust. by Calvin Thomas -- Faust (Part I & II).Francke, Kuno, 1855-1930 [Editor]2004-02-01
The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 10 Prince Otto Von Bismarck, Count Helmuth Von Moltke, Ferdinand LassalleenBismarck as a National Type. By Kuno Francke. -- The Love Letters of Bismarck. -- Correspondence of William I. and Bismarck. -- From "Thoughts and Recollections." -- Bismarck as an Orator. By Edmund von Mach. -- Bismarck: Professorial Politics -- Speech from the Throne -- Alsace-Lorraine a Glacis Against France -- We Shall Never Go to Canossa! -- Bismarck as the "Honest Broker" -- Salus Publica--Bismarck's Only Lode-Star -- Practical Christianity -- We Germans Fear God, and Nought Else in the World -- Mount the Guards at the Warthe and the Vistula! -- Long Live the Emperor and the Empire! -- The Life of Moltke. By Karl Detlev Jessen. -- von Moltke: The Political and Military Conditions of the Ottoman Empire in 1836. -- A Trip to Brussa. -- A Journey to Mossul. -- A Bullfight in Spain. -- Description of Moscow. -- The Peace Movement. -- Fighting on the Frontier. -- Battle of Gravelotte--St. Privat. -- Consolatory Thoughts on the Earthly Life and a Future Existence. -- The Life and Work of Ferdinand Lassalle. By Arthur N. Holcombe. -- Lassalle: The Workingmen's Programme. -- Science and the Workingmen. -- Open Letter to the Central Committee.Francke, Kuno, 1855-1930 [Editor]2004-07-30
The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 07 Masterpieces of German Literature Translated into English. in Twenty VolumesVariousenThe Life of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. By J. Loewenberg. -- Hegel: Introduction to the Philosophy of History. -- The Philosophy of Law. -- Introduction to the Philosophy of Art. -- The Life of Bettina von Arnim. By Henry Wood. -- von Arnim: Goethe's Correspondence with a Child. -- Immermann and His Drama Merlin. By Martin Schütze. -- Immermann's Münchhausen. By Allen Wilson Porterfield. -- Immermann: The Oberhof. -- Gutzkow and Young Germany. By Starr Willard Cutting. -- Gutzkow: Sword and Queue. -- German Lyric Poetry from 1830 to 1848. By John S. Nollen. -- Grün: A Salon Scene. -- Lenau: Prayer. -- Sedge Songs. -- Songs by the Lake. -- The Postilion. -- To the Beloved from Afar. -- The Three Gipsies. -- My Heart. -- Mörike: An Error Chanced. -- A Song for Two in the Night. -- Early Away. -- The Forsaken Maiden. -- Weyla's Song. -- Seclusion. -- The Soldier's Betrothed. -- The Old Weathercock: An Idyll. -- Think of It, My Soul. -- Erinna to Sappho. -- Mozart's Journey from Vienna to Prague. -- von Droste-Hülshoff: Pentecost. -- The House in the Heath. -- The Boy on the Moor. -- On the Tower. -- The Desolate House. -- The Jew's Beech-Tree. -- Freiligrath: The Duration of Love. -- The Emigrants. -- The Lion's Ride. -- The Spectre-Caravan. -- Had I at Mecca's Gate been Nourished. -- Wild Flowers. -- The Dead to the Living. -- Hurrah, Germania! -- The Trumpet of Gravelotte. -- von Strachwitz: Douglas of the Bleeding Heart. -- Herwegh: The Stirrup-Cup. -- Geibel: The Watchman's Song. -- The Call of the Road. -- Autumn Days. -- The Death of Tiberius.2004-05-01
The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 05 Masterpieces of German Literature Translated into EnglishVariousenThe Romantic Philosophers--Fichte, Schelling, and Schleiermacher. By Frank Thilly -- Schleiermacher: On the Social Element in Religion. -- Gottlieb Fichte: The Destiny of Man. -- Addresses to the German Nation. -- von Schelling: On the Relation of the Plastic Arts to Nature. -- Later German Romanticism. By George H. Danton -- von Arnim and Brentano: The Boy's Magic Horn. (selections) -- Grimm: The Frog King, or Iron Henry -- The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids -- Rapunzel -- Haensel and Grethel -- The Fisherman and His Wife -- Arndt: Song of the Fatherland. -- Union Song. -- Körner: Men and Knaves. -- Lützow's Wild Band. -- Prayer During Battle. -- von Schenkendorf: The Mother Tongue. -- Spring Greeting to the Fatherland. -- Freedom. -- Uhland: The Chapel. -- The Shepherd's Song on the Lord's Day. -- The Castle by the Sea. -- Song of the Mountain Boy. -- Departure. -- Farewell. -- The Hostess' Daughter. -- The Good Comrade. -- The White Hart. -- The Lost Church. -- Charlemagne's Voyage. -- Free Art. -- Taillefer. -- Suabian Legend. -- The Blind King. -- The Minstrel's Curse. -- The Luck of Edenhall. -- On the Death of a Child. -- von Eichendorff: The Broken Ring. -- Morning Prayer. -- From the Life of a Good-for-nothing. -- von Chamisso: The Castle of Boncourt. -- The Lion's Bride. -- Woman's Love and Life. -- The Women of Weinsberg. -- The Crucifix. -- The Old Singer. -- The Old Washerwoman. -- The Wonderful History of Peter Schlemihl. -- Hoffmann: The Golden Pot. -- Motte-Fouqué: Selections from Undine. -- Hauff: Cavalryman's Morning Song. -- The Sentinel. -- Rückert: Barbarossa. -- From My Childhood Days. -- The Spring of Love. -- He Came to Meet Me. -- The Invitation. -- Murmur Not. -- A Parable. -- Evening Song. -- Chidher. -- At Forty Years. -- Before the Doors. -- von Platen-Hallermund: The Pilgrim Before St. Just's. -- The Grave of Alaric. -- Remorse. -- Would I were Free as are My Dreams. -- Sonnet.2004-07-12

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