a" about ignorance?_
A. That it is a taint worse than all taints that a man can put upon
217. Q. _What does it say about uncharitableness towards others?_
A. That the fault of others is easily perceived, but that of oneself
difficult to perceive; a man winnows his neighbour's faults like chaff,
but his own fault he hides, as a cheat hides the bad die from the
218. Q. _What advice does the Buddha give us as to man's duty to the
A. He says that a man's net income should be divided into four parts,
of which one should be devoted to philanthropic objects.
219. Q. _What five occupations are said to be low and base?_
A. Selling liquor, selling animals for slaughter, selling poison,
selling murderous weapons, and dealing in slaves.
220. Q. _Who are said to be incapable of progress in spirituality?_
A. The killers of father, mother, and holy Arhats; Bhikkhus who sow
discord in the Sangha; those who attempt to injure the person of a
Buddha; those who hold extremely nihilistic views as to the future
existence; and those who are extremely sensual.
121. Q. _Does Buddhism specify places or conditions of torment into
which a bad man's Karma draws him on leaving this life?_
A. Yes. They are: Sanj[=i]va; K[=a]las[=u]tra; Sangh[=a]ta; Raurava;
Mah[=a]-Raurava T[=a]pa; Prat[=a]pa; Av[=i]chi.
222. Q. _Is the torment eternal?_
A. Certainly not. Its duration depends on a man's Karma.
223. Q. _Does Buddhism declare that non-believers in Buddha will of
necessity be damned for their unbelief?_
A. No; by good deeds they may enjoy a limited term of happiness before
being drawn into rebirth by their unexhausted _tanh[=a]_. To escape
rebirth, one must tread the Noble Eight-fold Path.
224. Q. _What is the spiritual status of woman among Buddhists?_
A. According to our religion they are on a footing of perfect equality
with men. "Woman," says the Buddha, in the _Chullavedalla Sutta_, "may
attain the highest path of holiness that is open to man--Arhatship."
225. Q. _What does a modern critic say about the effect of Buddhism
on woman?_
A. That "it has done more for the happiness and enfranchisement of
woman than any other creed" (Sir Lepel Griffin).
226. Q. _What did the Buddha teach about caste?_
A. That one does not become of any caste, whether Pariah, the lowest,
or Br[=a]hmana the highest, by birth, but by deeds. "By deeds," said
He, "one be