e. g. (exempli gratia), For example.
B. L., Bachelor of Laws.
Lesson 241.
Abbreviations used in Writing and Printing.
Ed., Editor; Edition. H. B. M., Her Britannic Majesty.
Eng., England; English.
Esq., Esquire. Hhd., Hogshead.
Etc. (et cetera), And so forth. H.R., House of Representatives.
Fri., Friday.
Fahr., Fahrenheit. Ibid., In the same place.
F.R.S., Fellow of the Royal Society. Id.(idem), The same.
i. e. (id est), That is.
Gen., General; Genesis. Jas., James.
Gov., Governor. Jun. or Jr., Junior.
G.P.O., General Post-Office. Lat., Latitude.
Lb., Pound; pounds.
Lesson 242.
Abbreviations used in Writing and Printing.
LL. D., Doctor of Laws. Mrs., Mistress.
Long., Longitude. N., North.
L. S., Place of the Seal. N. A., North America.
M., Monsieur. MS., Manuscript.
M. C., Member of Congress. No., Number.
Mon., Monday. N. B. (nota bene), Take notice.
M. D., Doctor of Medicine. pp., Pages.
Messrs., Gentlemen. Per., By the.
M. P., Member of Parliament. P. M., Postmaster; Afternoon.
P.O., Post-Office.
Mr., Mister; Master. Prof, Professor.
Lesson 243.
Abbreviations used in Writing and Printing.
P. S., Postscript. St., Saint; Street.
Pub. Doc., Public Document. Sun., Sunday.
Supt., Superintendent.
Pxt., He painted it. Thurs., Thursday.
Sc., He engraved it. Tues., Tuesday.
Q. M., Quartermaster. V., vid., or vide, See.
Rec'd., Received. Viz.(videlicet), Namely.
Rev., Reverend. Vol., Volume.
S., Shilling; South. Vs. (versus), Against.
S. A., South America. Wed., Wednesday.
Sat., Saturday. W.I., West Indies.
Sen., Senior; Senator. Wt., Weight.
Lesson 244.
Abbreviations of the States, with their Pronunciation.
Ala., Al a ba'ma. Ia., I'o wa.
Ark., Ar'kan sas. Kan., Kan'sas.
Cal., Cal i for'ni a. Ky., Ken tuck'y.
Col. or Colo., Col o ra'do. Lou. or La., Lou i si a'na.
Conn. or Ct., Con nect'i cut Mass., Mas sa chu'setts.
Md., Ma'ry land.