ini, 214;
protests against Napoleonic war, 220;
in Naples, 313, 354-357;
corresponds with the king, 398;
arrested, 407;
death, 413.
Medici, Giacomo, 124, 125, 155, 231, 273, 289,
292, 301, 318, 360.
Melegnano, Battle of, 240.
Menabrea, General, 388-395, 400-402.
Menechini, 25.
Menotti, Ciro, 52, 55, 64.
Mentana, Battle of, 392-397, 404.
Merode, Marquis de, 330.
Messina, held by Royal troops, 290;
evacuated, 295.
Metternich, Prince, 15, 32, 46, 56, 83, 84, 86,
95, 400.
Mezzacapo, 237.
Micca, Pietro, 36.
Milan, revolt, 8-10;
fighting in the city, 95;
Austrians depart, 233.
Milano, Ageslao, 208.
Milazzo, Battle of, 290.
Mincio, Battle of. 107, 241, 365, 366, 369.
Minghetti, Marco, 101, 129.
Minto, Lord, 87, 116
Misilmeri, 280.
Misley, Dr, 52.
Missori, Major. 291.
Modena, revolution in, 53.
Monreale, 278.
Montalembert, 185.
Montanelli, Giuseppe, 112, 135, 136.
Monti, 16.
Montebello, Battle of, 231.
Morelli. 25, 29.
Moro, Domenico, 68.
Moscow, retreat from, 8.
Mundy, Admiral, 282, 283, 287, 288, 314, 320,
324, 354.
Murat, Joachim, 6, 7, 10, 13, 23.
Napier, Lord, 90, 92.
Naples, 25-29, 101;
massacre, 110;
misrule in, 186-187;
Garibaldi's march on, 299;
King enters, 324.
Napoleon Buonaparte, 2-10, 240.
Napoleon III., 55;
elected President of French Republic, 119, 149;
letter to Ney, 185;
attempt on his life, 212;
compact at Plombieres, 217, 253;
demands Nice and Savoy, 260-262;
era of peace, 358.
Napoleon, Prince, 185, 229, 235, 351, 406.
Nelaton, Dr, 349.
Ney, Edgar, 185.
Nice, cession of. 221, 224, 258, 262
Nicotera, 209, 297.
Niel, 229, 244.
Ninco-Nanco, 330.
Normanby, Lord, 117, 228.
Novara, 37-39;
battle of, 141, 412.
Nugent, General, 107, 112, 113, 143.
O'Donnel, Count, 95.
Oliphant, Laurence, 263, 266.
Olivier, Emile, 405.
Orsini, Colonel, 280.
Orsini, Felice, 213, 216.
Oudinot, General, 150, 156.
Palermo, strange discovery, 92;
Sicilian expedition, 271-290;
insurrection, 381.
Pallavicini, Giorgio, 42, 137, 309, 314, 344, 348, 360.
Palma, 330.
Palmerston, Lord, 83, 111, 117: 161, 266, 282, 355, 371.
Panizzi, Anthony, 52.
Paris, Treaty of, 13;