arithmetic of this kind,
(hear, hear) and he hoped the _Boy._ Fine oranges! two a
adoption of the system would penny! two a penny! {178}
be deferred until there were
some proof that they would be _Member._ Here boy, two! Now,
able to understand it; for, how am I to pay you?
after all, this was the
question of the poor, and the _Boy._ Give you change, your
whole weight of the change honor.
would fall upon them. Let the
rich by all means have _Member._ Ah! but how? Where's
permission to perplex your ready-reckoner?
themselves by any division of
a pound they pleased; but do _Boy._ I sells a better sort
not let them, by any nor them. Mine's real Cheyny.
experiment like this, impose
difficulties upon the poor and _Member._ But you see a
compel men to carry farthing is now .0014166666
ready-reckoners in their _ad infinitum_, and if we
pocket to give them all these multiply this by 4----
fractional quantities." (Hear,
hear.) _Boy._ Hold hard, Guv'ner; I
sees what you're arter. Now
what'll you stand if I puts
you up to it? which Bill Smith
he put me up in two minutes,
cause he goes to the Ragged
_Member._ You don't mean that
you do without a book!
_Boy._ Book be blowed. Come
now, old un, here's summut for
both on us. I got a florin,
you gives me a half-a-crown
for it, and I larns you the
new money, gives you your
oranges, and calls you a brick
into the bargain.
_Member_ (_to himself_). Never
had such a chance of getting
off half-a-crown for value
since that ---- fellow Bowring
carried his crochet.
(_Aloud._) Well, boy, it's a
bargain. Now!
_Boy._ Why