her the art treasures of the United Kingdom, and present
them together before the public. A building suitable to the purpose
was erected. It was not only not beautiful itself, but was exceedingly
unsightly. It was, however, spacious, convenient, and so lighted as
conduced to effect in an artistic display. The collection of productions
was estimated, in money value, at six millions sterling. Amidst this
glorious arrangement of works of genius, none probably attracted so much
attention as those of MacDowell, the Irish sculptor. His _chef-d'ouvre_,
the "Death of Virginia," occupied the centre of the exhibition, and in
this advantageous position commanded extraordinary admiration. On the
day of opening the Prince Consort inaugurated the auspicious occasion.
Her majesty and many foreign princes afterwards visited it. All these
rich trophies of genius were restored without injury to their owners,
except a very valuable China vase, which was knocked down and broken.
{VICTORIA. 1858-1859}
Foreign Affairs..... Various important transactions in
Asia..... Breaking out of a new War with China.....
Violation of treaty by Japan..... Russian designs upon that
Empire..... Russian encroachments upon China..... French
attempts at conquests in Cochin China..... France: Rivalry
with England; irritating language of the French Press;
ostensible alliance and co-opera-tion with England; real
jealousy and contravention of British interests and policy;
dispute about a Ship Canal across the Isthmus of Suez; also
concerning electric communication between England and
France..... Commercial intercourse..... Supposed designs of
France in Northern Africa..... Attempt to Assassinate the
Emperor of the French, and effect upon the alli-ance with
England..... War between France and Austria, and its
influence upon English public opinion and policy.....
Naples..... Prussia: closer alli-ance with England.....
Spain: war with Morocco; English protests..... Hanover: the
Stade dues..... United States of America..... Relations with
the South American States..... Colonies: India, Borneo,
Australia, New Zealand, African Settlements, British
Colombia, Jamaica..... Ireland..... Home: the Court,
National Finance, Commerce..... General Home Polities and
Prospects..... Parliamentary Affairs..... Conclusion of this