on of the Income Tax, &c...... The Sugar
Duties Question..... Corn Laws and Free Trade..... The
Affairs of Ireland..... Maynooth Improvement Bill, &c......
Academical Education in Ireland..... Colonial Policy.....
Question of the Oregon Territory..... Miscellaneous
Measures of the Session..... Prorogation of
Parliament..... The Affairs of India..... The State of the
{A.D. 1845}
Parliament was opened by the queen in person on the 4th of February. The
speech first referred to the prosperous state of trade and commerce; to
the royal visits made to her majesty by the Emperor of Russia and the
King of France; to the estimates for the ensuing year; and to the peace
which at this time prevailed in Ireland. Her majesty continued:--"I
recommend to your favourable consideration the policy of improving and
extending the opportunities of academical education in Ireland. The
report of the commission appointed to inquire into the law and practice
in respect to the occupation of land is nearly prepared, and shall be
communicated to you immediately after its presentation. The state of
the law in regard to the privileges of the Bank of Ireland, and to other
banking establishments in that country, and in Scotland, will no doubt
occupy your attention. The health of the inhabitants of large towns
and populous districts in this part of the United Kingdom has been the
subject of recent inquiry before a commission, the report of which shall
be immediately kid before you. It will be highly gratifying to me if the
information and suggestions contained in that report shall enable you
to devise the means of promoting the health and comfort of the poorer
classes of my subjects. I congratulate you on the success of the
measures which three years since were adopted by parliament for the
purpose of supplying the deficiency in the public revenue, and arresting
the accumulation of debt in the time of peace. The act which was passed
at that time for imposing a tax upon income will shortly expire. It will
be for you to determine whether it may not be expedient to continue
its operation for a further period, and thus to obtain the means of
adequately providing for the public service, and at the same time of
making a reduction in other taxations. Whatever may be the result of
your deliberations in this respect, I feel assured that it will be your
determination to maintai