262-288, 292, 293.
--has raised the general standard of practice, 264, 265.
--sickens in prosperity and flourishes under persecution, 266, 267.
--peculiarities of, naturally slide into disuse, 269.
_Christians_, true, duties especially incumbent on them in these times,
--should pray for their country, 351.
--their prayers intreated for the success of this work, 353.
--ready made, who esteemed such, 318.
--real, how different from nominal, 214, 215.
--life, illustrated by figure of a traveller, 217-219.
_Commons_, House of, proves inordinate love of worldly glory, 159.
_Consistency_ between Christianity's leading doctrines and practical
precepts, 231-252, 253.
--between Christianity's leading doctrines amongst each other, 253.
--between Christianity's practical precepts amongst each other,
_Contact_, necessary to produce any interest in our affections,
73-78, 81.
_Corruption_ of human nature, common notions of it, 14-16.
--of human nature, Scripture account of it, 16, 26, 27.
--of human nature, arguments suggested in proof of it, 16-26.
--of Heathen world, and striking instance of it, 18, 19.
--of savage life, 19, 20.
--proof of it, furnished by the state of the Christian world, 20-24.
--by the experience of the true Christian, 24, 25.
--human, its general effects, when suffered to operate without
restraint, 25, 26.
--human, firm grounds on which it rests, 35.
--human, practical uses of the doctrine, 36.
_Cowper's Task_, recommended, 234-352.
--quoted, 251.
_Defective_, conceptions generally prevailing concerning importance of
Christianity, 1-5.
--conceptions concerning human corruption, 15, 16.
--conceptions concerning the evil spirit, 28.
--conceptions concerning the doctrines, which respect our Saviour and
the Holy Spirit, 70, 71, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50.
--conceptions concerning the means of acceptance with God, 84-91.
--conceptions prevailing concerning practical Christianity, 102-104,
--conceptions of guilt and evil of sin, 206-210.
--fear of God, 210.
--sense of the difficulty of getting to heaven, 214, 215.
--love of God in nominal Christians, 219-221.
--love of God, proofs of it in nominal Christians, 221-224.
--conceptions general, concerning peculiar doctrines of Christianity,
--conceptions of peculiarities of C