105, 106.
--its true nature, 107-110.
--charged on all without exception in its full strictness, 111-115.
--mischiefs of neglect of peculiarities of Christianity, 232.
--distinction, fundamental, between systems of nominal and real
Christians, 231-234.
--precepts of Christianity, most excellent, 260.
--use of peculiar doctrines of Christianity, 238.
_Prevailing_, low views of practical Christianity, proofs of them, 104.
--inadequate sense of peculiar doctrines of Christians, 231, &c.
_Probation_, notion of, disproves prevailing system of Religion, 317.
_Proof_ of Christianity's divine origin, 260-262.
_Puritans_, many of their writings commended, 275.
_Religion_, practical hints for its revival, 300-305.
-- the only true support in trouble and peril, 332.
_Repentance_, advice for such as are disposed to, 318-324.
_Reputation_, true Christian's conduct respecting it, 164-178.
-- true Christian preserves, without over-valuing it, 167-170.
_Richardson_, mentioned, 278.
_Robertson_, Dr. censured, 279.
_Rousseau_, school of, 204, 205.
_Scepticism_, natural history of it, 338-340.
_Sceptics_ and Unitarians, advantage they have in attacking
Christianity, 344, 345.
_Scripture_ doctrine, importance of, to Christianity, 8-10.
-- doctrine, concerning human corruption, 14-27.
-- doctrine, concerning Christ and the Holy Spirit, 43, 44.
_Self-deception_, frequent sources of, 306-318.
-- another common kind, 333-335.
_Self-examination_, helps in, 306.
_Selfishness_ of common practical Religion, 121-127.
-- the disease of political societies, 288.
-- peculiarly counteracted by Christianity, 291, 292.
_Sensibility_, exquisite, how little truly valuable, and how different
from true practical benevolence, 204, 205.
_Sensualists_ class of, 123.
_Sin_, how spoken of in Scripture, 211.
-- defective conceptions of, 207.
_Sincerity_, false notion of it, 10-12.
-- true what, 13.
_Sins_, no little ones, 210, 211.
-- little, what accounted such, 208.
_Smith_, Dr. _Adam_, 76. 188, 189. 279.
_Soame Jenyns_, his View of the Internal Evidence of Christianity
referred to, 6. 281.
_Sophistry_, with which Religion is explained away, 133.
_Stage_ the, proof from its being frequented by nominal Christians of
their defective love of God, 221-224. 230, 231.
-- proof from,