onfidence in danger, and patience in suffering,
248, 249.
--in promoting heavenly mindedness, 250.
--doctrines, demand our utmost attention, 94-97.
--doctrines, use of, 239.
--doctrines, use of, in enforcing importance of Christianity, 240.
--doctrines, use of, in enforcing entire surrender to God, 240.
--doctrines, use of, in enforcing guilt of sin, and dread of
punishment, 241.
--in promoting love of God, 241, 242.
--in promoting love of fellow-creatures, 243, 244.
_Philosophy_, epicurism and stoicism, 59.
_Pitt_, Mr. slander respecting him refuted--Note 272.
_Pleasure_, the true Christian finds in Religion, 139, 140.
_Pleasures_ of true Religion, 325-332.
_Policy_, mistaken, of compromise with immorality, 301.
_Polished_ state of society no security against progress of immorality,
298, 299.
_Political_, good effects from the prevalence of Christianity, as above
described, 283-295.
--good effects from revival of vital Christianity, 296.
--bad effects from its farther decline, 297, 298.
--happiness of a Christian nation, 283-287.
_Pomp_ and parade, votaries of, 124.
_Poor_ the, more favourably circumstanced as to Religion, 93, 292.
_Pope_, the Poet, referred to, 246.
_Popular_ notions concerning our Saviour and the Holy Spirit, 46-48.
_Practical_ hints, on importance of Christianity, 13.
--on human corruption, 35.
--on mode of dealing with a certain description of infidels, 37, 38.
--on the means of exciting our affections towards our Saviour,
99, 100.
--respecting love of estimation, 174-178.
--respecting amiable tempers and useful lives, 192.
--to naturally sweet tempered, 193.
--to naturally rough and austere, 194-199.
--to true Christian, when engaged in hurry of worldly affairs,
--to persons desirous of repenting, 235.
--respecting uses of peculiar doctrines of Christianity, 240-251.
--for revival of Religion, 300-304.
--to various descriptions, 305-318.
--to such as, having been hitherto careless, wish to become true
Christians, 318-332.
--to some who profess their full assent to fundamental doctrines
of Christianity, 333-336.
--to Sceptics and Unitarians, 337-345.
--to half-unbelievers, 346-348.
--to true Christians, from state of times, 349-354.
--Christianity, chapter on, 100-251.
--prevailing low views of it, 102-104.
--Christianity, its real strictness,