way to hate?
Orgon. Yes, your twaddle has made me quite high-strung,
And I now insist that you hold your tongue.
Dorine. All right. But I'll think in silence nonetheless.
Orgon. Think if you wish to, but strive for success
At shutting your mouth . . . or beware. [Turning to his daughter] Let's see,
I have weighed everything quite maturely.
Dorine [aside]. I hate this silence. [She falls quiet every time Orgon turns toward her.]
Orgon. Without being smug, I'll
Say Tartuffe's face . . .
Dorine. Yes, he has a fine muzzle!
Orgon. Is so fine that even if you forgot
His other traits . . .
Dorine [aside]. And they're a sorry lot!
[Orgon turns toward Dorine and, with his arms folded, listens while staring in her face.]
If I were in her place, most assuredly
No man would wed me with impunity,
And I'd prove to him right after the wedding
That a wife's vengeance lies in the bedding!
Orgon [to Dorine]. So you refuse to obey me, is that true?
Dorine. What's your beef, sir? I'm not speaking to you.
Orgon. Then what are you doing?
Dorine. Soliloquizing.
Orgon. Very well. [aside] To give her a good chastising,
I think she needs a taste of the back of my hand.
[He prepares to slap her, but each time Dorine sees him looking at her, she stands silent and erect.]
Child, you should approve of all I have planned . . .
And have faith in the spouse . . . who's my designee.
[To Dorine.] Speak to yourself!
Dorine. I've nothing to say to me.
Orgon. Just one little word.
Dorine. I'm not in the mood.
Orgon. Because I was ready!
Dorine. What ineptitude!
Orgon. Now, daughter, let's see some obedience.
Accept my choice with complete deference.
Dorine [running away]. I'd thumb my nose at such a silly spouse.
[Orgon tries to slap Dorine and misses.]
Orgon. Daughter, your maid is a pest and would arouse
Vice in a saint--she's an absolute shrew!
I'm so upset that I can't continue.
Her taunts have nearly driven me to swear,
And I need to calm down in the open air.
Dorine, Mariane
Dorine. Have you entirely lost your voice and heart?
Why must I continue p