horsemen, with a fewe with him,
to gather vp all the canoas in the setting of the Sun, and to take as many
as were going from vs to Dasamonquepeio, but to suffer any that came from
thence, to land. (M298) He met with a canoa, going from the shore, and
ouerthrew the canoa, and cut off two Sauages heads: this was not done so
secretly but he was discovered from the shore; whereupon the cry arose:
for in trueth they, priuy to their owne villanous purposes against vs,
held as good espial vpon vs, both day and night, as we did vpon them.
The alarme giuen, they tooke themselues to their bowes, and we to our
armes: some three or foure of them at the first were slaine with our shot;
the rest fled into the woods. The next morning with the light horsemen and
one Canoa taking 25 with the Colonel of the Chesepians, and the Sergeant
maior, I went to Dasamonquepeio: and being landed, sent Pemisapan word by
one of his owne Sauages that met me at the shore, that I was going to
Croatoan, and meant to take him in the way to complaine vnto him of
Osocon, who the night past was conueying away my prisoner, whom I had
there present tied in an hand-locke. Heereupon the king did abide my
comming to him, and finding myselfe amidst seuen or eight of his
principall Weroances and followers, (not regarding any of the common sort)
I gaue the watch-word agreed vpon, (which was, Christ our victory) and
immediatly those his chiefe men and himselfe had by the mercy of God for
our deliuerance, that which they had purposed for vs. The king himselfe
being shot thorow by the Colonell with a pistoll, lying on the ground for
dead, and I looking as watchfully for the sauing of Manteos friends, as
others were busie that none of the rest should escape, suddenly he started
vp, and ran away as though he had not bene touched, insomuch as he ouerran
all the company, being by the way shot thwart the buttocks by mine Irish
boy with my petronell. (M299) In the end an Irish man seruing me, one
Nugent, and the deputy prouost, vndertooke him; and following him in the
woods, ouertooke him; and I in some doubt least we had lost both the king
and my man by our owne negligence to haue beene intercepted by the
Sauages, wee met him returning out of the woods with Pemisapans head in
his hand.
This fell out the first of Iune 1586, and the eight of the same came
aduertisement to me from captaine Stafford, lying at my lord Admirals
Island, that he had discouered a great fleet of t