Bermuda garrison.
Sept. 10--Declared that Department of Militia and Defense kept secret
the passage of Indian troops through the Dominion.
Sept. 11--Passage of Indian troops denied; officials of White Pass &
Yukon Railway warn Germans and Austrians not to try to pass through the
Sept. 24--Thirty-two thousand troops sail.
Sept. 28--Laurier wants French-Canadian regiment.
Sept. 30--Cadets from Royal Military College sail for England.
Oct. 5--Col. Hughes. Minister of Militia, says he can raise another
large contingent of men; second expeditionary force is to be organized.
Oct. 7--New York Staats-Zeitung barred from the mails.
Oct. 8--First [Transcriber: original 'Frist'] contingent of troops
reaches Southampton.
July 24--England will side with Russia in event of hostilities with
July 27--Sir Edward Grey asks France, Italy, and Germany to confer with
England to avert general conflict.
July 28--Germany refuses to accept Sir Edward Grey's proposal for
conference, but sends conciliatory reply; nation averse to war, but will
aid Allies; Home Rule strife forgotten.
July 29--Report that Grey is forming new peace proposals; London Times
July 30--Unionist papers declare England must fight if Germany attacks
France; war preparations continue; political parties declare truce;
amending bill to Home Rule bill dropped; preparations in Far East, at
Malta, and Cape Town.
July 31--Government joins France in trying to adjust matters between
Russia and Austria; country is calm; preparations at Hongkong for
Aug. 1--Sir Edward Grey favors throwing weight of navy at once in favor
of France and Russia; Lloyd George does not favor participation; special
meeting of Cabinet called; King George appeals to Czar for peace;
Cabinet in night session; Belgian neutrality an issue; London Times
denounces Germany.
Aug. 3--Sir Edward Grey addresses House of Commons; country will defend
French coast; Redmond pledges Ireland's aid.
Aug. 4--Ambassador leaves Berlin; King issues call to arms and thanks
colonies for their support; Government controls railways and takes
foreign warships building in her ports; Vice Admiral Jellicoe takes
command of fleet; papers in London reduced in size; people advised to
Aug. 5--Food prices rise; order specifying contrabands of war; bill
passes House of Commons to restrain movements of undesirable aliens;
many spies arr