I will take care to inform you the moment there is a decision.
The public business with which Mr. Barclay has been charged rendering
it necessary for him to repair to Congress, and the interest of his
creditors, his family and himself requiring his return to America, he
has departed for that country. I know nothing of Mr. Barclay's affairs
in this country. He has good possessions in America, which, he assured
me, were much more than sufficient to satisfy all the demands against
him. He went, determined to convert those immediately into money, and
to collect the debts due to him there, that he might be enabled to pay
his debts. My opinion of his integrity is such, as to leave no doubt in
my mind, that he will do everything in his power to render justice to
his creditors, and I know so well his attachment to M. Cathalan, as to
be satisfied, that if he makes any difference among his creditors, he
will be among the most favored. Mr. Barclay is an honest and honorable
man, and is more goaded towards the payment of his debts by his own
feelings, than by all the processes of law which could be set on foot
against him.
No arrangements having ever been made as yet, for cases like that of
the carpenter of the American ship Sally, I am unable to answer on that
subject. I am in hopes, his money will last till he recovers his
senses, or till we can receive instructions what to do in that and
similar cases.
Mr. Cathalan wishes a copy of my Notes on Virginia. If you will be so
good as to advise me by what channel they will go safely, I will do
myself the honor of sending a copy, either of the original or of the
translation. Present me affectionately to Mrs. Cathalan, the mother and
daughter; tell the latter I feed on the hopes of seeing her one day at
Paris. My friendly respects wait also on your father; and on yourself,
assurances of the esteem and consideration with which I have the honor
to be, dear Sir, your most obedient, and most humble servant.
PARIS, July 22, 1787.
GENTLEMEN,--I was honored, in the month of January last, with a letter
from the honorable the Delegates of Rhode Island in Congress, enclosing
a letter from the corporation of Rhode Island College to his most
Christian Majesty, and some other papers. I was then in the hurry of
preparation for a journey into the south of France, and therefore
unable, at that moment, to make the inquiries which the object of the