w. And there a noble crew
8 Of Lordes and Ladies stood on euery side,
Which with their presence faire, the place much beautifide.
1 By them they pass, all gazing on them round,
round > from all sides
2 And to the presence mount; whose glorious view
presence > presence-chamber (where a sovereign receives guests)
view > appearance
3 Their frail amazed senses did confound:
frail > {Weak; morally weak, unable to resist temptation}
4 In living prince's court none ever knew
5 Such endless richesse, and so sumptuous show;
richesse > opulence
so sumptuous > such sumptuous; such a sumptuous; so sumptuous a
6 Nor Persia herself, the nurse of pompous pride,
7 Like ever saw. And there a noble crew
8 Of lords and ladies stood on every side,
9 Who, with their presence fair, the place much beautified.
High aboue all a cloth of State was spred,
2 And a rich throne, as bright as sunny day,
On which there sate most braue embellished
4 With royall robes and gorgeous array,
A mayden Queene, that shone as _Titans_ ray,
6 In glistring gold, and peerelesse pretious stone:
Yet her bright blazing beautie did assay
8 To dim the brightnesse of her glorious throne,
As enuying her selfe, that too exceeding shone.
1 High above all a cloth of state was spread,
cloth of state > {Baldachin, canopy suspended on pillars above
2 And a rich throne, as bright as sunny day,
3 On which there sat, most brave embellished
brave > splendidly
4 With royal robes and gorgeous array,
5 A maiden queen, that shone as Titan's ray,
that > who (if the pronoun refers to Lucifera rather than the
throne; the intention is not entirely clear)
Titan > (The sun personified. In this context the name also brings
to mind the Titans, who sought to dethrone Zeus (Jove); they are
synonymous with rebellion and the overthrow of order. And the
phrase "_Titans_ ray" prepares the reader for a description of
Phaethon in the next stanza)
6 In glistering gold and peerless precious stone:
7 Yet her bright blazing beauty did essay
essay > attempt
8 To dim the brightness of her glorious throne,
9 As envying herself, that too exceeding shone.
Exceeding shone, like _Ph{oe}bus_ fairest childe,
2 That did presume his fathers firie wayne,
And flaming mouthes of steedes vnwonted wilde
4 Through highest heauen with weak