cre may be as under:--
L s. d.
Rent 0 10 0
Labor, 12 months 52 0 0
Ditto, 2 months 8 10 0
Ploughing three times 2 2 0
Harrowing twice 1 0 0
Manure, say 2 10 0
Seed, say 0 10 0
L67 2 0
The Sydney average quantity is said to be 11-1/3 cwt. per acre,
say 10 cwt.; and the cost price per lb. will be 141/2d., or L6 15s.
4d. per cwt. The profit will at once be seen on this article of
* * * * *
Miscellaneous Drugs.--The blood tree (_Croton gossypifolia_), an
evergreen shrub, native of the Trinidad mountains, is remarkable for
yielding, when wounded, a thick juice resembling blood in color, which
is one of the most powerful astringents I know of, and as such would
be valuable to medical science. The bark of _Croton Cascarilla_ is, as
we have seen in a former section, aromatic, and the seeds of _C.
Tiglium_, the physic nut, are purgative; so are those of the purging
nut (_Jatropha multifida_), and another species (_J. gossypifolia_).
The pods of cow-itch (_Mucuna pruriens_) act as a vermifuge; the roots
of the _Ruellia tuberosa_, or manyroot, and the bulbs of the white
lily (_Pancratium Carribaeum_ and _maritimum_), are emetic. The Indian
root or bastard ipecacuan (_Asclepias curassavica_) has medicinal
properties. _A. tuberosa_ is used as a mild cathartic, and a remedy
for a variety of disorders. _Hydrastis canadensis_, or Canadian yellow
root, is a valuable bitter, and furnishes a useful yellow dye.
_Knowltonia vesicatoria_ is used commonly as a blister in the Cape
Colony. _Ranunculus saleratus_ (the _R. indicus_ of Roxburgh, and _B.
camosus_ of Wallich), common in India, is also used by the natives for
blistering purposes.
A kind of sedge rush, common in swampy places in the West India
islands, the _Adme cyperus_, enjoys a reputation for the cure of
yellow fever. It is also stated to be cordial, diuretic and cephalic,
serviceable in the first stages of the dropsy, good in vomitings,
fluxes, &c.
Dr. Impey, the residentiary surgeon of Malwa, has just confidence in
the indigenous drugs in use by the natives of the East, many of which
are quite unknown in European practice. He believes that, in the
Indian bazaars and the jungle, drugs having