er, William, 330.
Lowell, James Russell, quoted, 54, 59;
on Cleveland, 134.
McClellan, Gen. George B., 3, 5.
McClure, S.S., 311.
McCulloch, Hugh, 28, 29.
McEnery, Samuel D., 254.
McKinley, William, his Tariff Bill, 172, 173, 174, 175;
accepts principle of reciprocity, 175;
defeated for Congress, 185;
Governor of Ohio, 214;
"advance agent of prosperity," 232, 241;
a tactful Congressman, 233;
nominated for President (1896), 234;
makes no personal campaign, 239;
elected, 240;
his election a victory for sound money, 241;
calls special session of Congress for new tariff, 242;
inaugurated as President, 251;
his theory of the office, 252;
action in the Cuban matter, 262, 264;
reelected President, 280;
murdered, 282.
McKinley Bill, the, 173, 174, 215, 216;
sugar clause a notable feature of, 175;
opposition to, 184.
MacVeagh, Wayne, 102.
Machinery, influence of, 15, 16, 95.
Mahone, William, 109.
Maine, the, blown up in Havana harbor, 264.
Marshall, Thomas R., nominated by Democrats for Vice-Presidency, 337.
Merritt, Gen. Wesley, 267.
Mexico, revolutions in, 331, 340.
Miles, Gen. Nelson A., on the results of drought, 182;
commander of army in Spanish War, 269;
invades Porto Rico, 272.
Mills, Roger Q., tariff leader, 139.
Mills Bill, the, 139, 140, 169, 170.
Mining camps, rapid development of, 20, 21, 22.
Mississippi, the process of reconstruction in, 46, 47;
disqualifies negroes, 198, 199.
Mississippi River Commission, 206.
Mitchell, John, 300.
"Molly Maguires," 94, 121.
Monroe Doctrine, in Venezuela case, 230, 231, 284.
Montana, created a Territory, 21;
becomes a State, 152.
Morgan, J. Pierpont, 295, 321.
Mormons, 20;
make a prosperous Territory in Utah, 154.
Morton, Levi P., Vice-President with Harrison, 169.
Morton, Oliver P., war Governor of Indiana, 81.
Muck-raking, 315, 316.
Mugwumps, 129, 130.
Mulligan letters, the, 82.
Murchison letter, the, 170, 171.
Nast, Thomas, cartoonist, 50, 57, 86, 132.
National Labor Union, 208.
National Planters' Association, 203.
Navy, of the United States, at outbreak of Spanish War, 265;
sent round the world without mishap, 319.
Negro, the, would not work at close of war, 40;
a social and economic problem, 41, 42;
made a voter by Congress, 43, 45, 48;
elimination of control by, 51, 52, 54;
a factor in Republican national convention, 9