badly defeated, 338.
Tanner, James ("Corporal"), 172.
Tarbell, Ida M., writes history of Standard Oil Company, 309, 310.
Tariff, the favorite national tax, 6, 7;
basis of the rate of, 7;
at the end of the war, 8;
different views of, 97;
influence of, in Presidential campaigns, 100;
revision of, 114, 116, 117;
as a source of revenue, 114, 115;
attacks upon, 115, 116;
commission created to investigate needs of, 117, 118;
difficulties of constructing, 118, 119, 140;
revision demanded, 169;
McKinley Bill, 172-75;
opposition to the new law, 184;
a factor in political landslide of 1890, 186;
McKinley Bill in danger, 215;
tariff for revenue the winning issue in 1890 and 1892, 220;
financial interest of manufacturers in, 233;
the Dingley Bill, 253, 254, 255;
the "mother of trusts," 303;
revised by Republicans, 326, 327;
reduced by Democrats, 339.
Taxes, as means of raising money, 6, 114, 115;
authorized more reluctantly than loans, 6;
often revised and increased, 7;
difficulties of Congress with, 115.
Taylor, Hannis, 262.
Tennessee, readmitted to the Union, 45;
escapes negro domination, 54.
Tenure-of-Office Act, 34, 35.
Texas, readmitted to Union, 47;
through change in, after the Civil War, 204, 205.
Thurman, Allen G., 170.
Tilden, Samuel J., prosecutes the Tweed ring, 80;
Democratic candidate for President in 1876, 80, 81;
doubtful result of the election, 83, 84;
unwilling to run in 1880, 99.
Timber Culture Laws, 155.
Tobacco Trust, 330, 331.
Transportation, a fundamental factor, 162;
creates new standards of living, 162, 163;
relation to the trusts, 164, 165;
vital to frontier life, 180.
Treves, Sir Frederick, praises work in Canal Zone, 317.
Trusts, formation of, 163, 164;
logical outcome of, 164;
influence of transportation, 164, 165;
whiskey and sugar, 166;
evils of, social or political, 167;
difficulty of regulating, 168;
investigation ordered, 169;
the aim of, 297;
Chicago conference on, 298;
and strikes, 299, 300;
not all "bad," 302;
tariff the mother of, 303;
the menace of, 309;
prosecution of, 320, 321.
Tweed, William M., 50, 60.
Underwood, Oscar W., 329, 330, 336.
Union League, of freedmen, 45.
Union Pacific Railroad, building of, 22, 24, 25;
celebration of completion, 25;
scandals of, 61;
extended to Denver, 74;
a national project, 142, 143;