that will but reflect a little. For
were their signification precisely the same, it would be as proper, and
as intelligible to say, 'the body of an extension,' as the 'extension of
a body;' and yet there are those who find it necessary to confound their
signification. To this abuse, and the mischiefs of confounding the
signification of words, logic, and the liberal sciences as they have
been handled in the schools, have given reputation; and the admired Art
of Disputing hath added much to the natural imperfection of languages,
whilst it has been made use of and fitted to perplex the signification
of words, more than to discover the knowledge and truth of things: and
he that will look into that sort of learned writings, will find the
words there much more obscure, uncertain, and undetermined in their
meaning, than they are in ordinary conversation.
7. Logic and Dispute have must have contributed to this.
This is unavoidably to be so, where men's parts and learning are
estimated by their skill in disputing. And if reputation and reward
shall attend these conquests, which depend mostly on the fineness and
niceties of words, it is no wonder if the wit of man so employed, should
perplex, involve, and subtilize the signification of sounds, so as never
to want something to say in opposing or defending any question; the
victory being adjudged not to him who had truth on his side, but the
last word in the dispute.
8. Calling it Subtlety.
This, though a very useless skill, and that which I think the direct
opposite to the ways of knowledge, hath yet passed hitherto under the
laudable and esteemed names of SUBTLETY and ACUTENESS, and has had the
applause of the schools, and encouragement of one part of the learned
men of the world. And no wonder, since the philosophers of old, (the
disputing and wrangling philosophers I mean, such as Lucian wittily and
with reason taxes,) and the Schoolmen since, aiming at glory and esteem,
for their great and universal knowledge, easier a great deal to be
pretended to than really acquired, found this a good expedient to cover
their ignorance, with a curious and inexplicable web of perplexed words,
and procure to themselves the admiration of others, by unintelligible
terms, the apter to produce wonder because they could not be understood;
whilst it appears in all history, that these profound doctors were no
wiser nor more useful than their neighbours, and brought but small
advantage t