him at that point. This bred a pause of action, a pleasure stop, whilst
that delicate glutton, my nether mouth, as full as it could hold, kept
palating, with exquisite relish, the morsel that so deliciously ingorged
it. But nature could not long endure a pleasure that it so highly
provoked without satisfying it: pursuing then its darling end, the
battery recommenced with redoubled exertion; nor lay I inactive on my
side, but encountering him with all the impetuosity of motion I was
mistress of, the downy cloth of our meeting mount was now of real use
to break the violence of the tilt; and soon, indeed! the highwrought
agitation, the sweet urgency of this to-and-fro friction, raised the
titillation on me to its height; so that finding myself on the point
of going, and loath to leave the tender partner of my joys behind me, I
employed all the forwarding motions and arts my experience suggested to
me, to promote his keeping me company to our journey's end. I not only
then tightened the pleasure-girth round my restless inmate, by a secret
spring of friction and compression that obeys the will in those parts,
but stole my hand softly to that store bag of nature's prime sweets,
which is so pleasingly attached to its conduit pipe, from which we
receive them; there feeling, and most gently indeed, squeezing those
tender globular reservoirs, the magic touch took instant effect,
quickened, and brought on upon the spur the symptoms of that sweet
agony, the melting moment of dissolution, when pleasure dies by
pleasure, and the mysterious engine of it overcomes the titillation
it has raised in those parts, by plying them with the stream of a warm
liquid, that in itself the highest of all titillations, and which they
thirstily express and draw in like the hot natured leach, which, to
cool itself, tenaciously extracts all the moisture within its sphere of
execution. Chiming then to me, with exquisite consent, as I melted away,
his oily balsamic injection, mixing deliciously with the sluices in flow
from me, sheathed and blunted all the stings of pleasure, whilst a
voluptuous languor possest, and still maintained us motionless, and fast
locked in one another's arms. Alas! that these delights should be no
longer-lived; for now the point of pleasure, unedged by enjoyment, and
all the brisk sensations flattened upon us, resigned us up to the cool
cares of insipid life. Disengaging myself then from his embrace, I made
him sensible of t