mmon view; but oh! what delicious
manual of love devotion; how inimitable fine moulded! small, round,
firm, and excellently white; then the grain of their skin, so soothing,
so flattering to the touch! and of beauty. When he had feasted his eyes
with the their nipples, that crowned them, the sweetest buds touch and
perusal, feasted his lips with kisses of the highest relish, imprinted
on those all delicious twin-orbs, he proceeded downwards.
Her legs still kept the ground; and now, with the tenderest attention
not to shock or alarm her too suddenly, he, by degrees, rather stole
than rolled up her petticoats; at which, as if a signal had been given,
Louisa and Emily took hold of her legs, in pure wantonness, and, in ease
to her, kept them stretched wide abroad. Then lay exposed, or, to speak
more properly, displayed the greatest parade in nature of female charms.
The whole company, who, except myself, had often seen them, seemed as
much dazzled, surprised and delighted, as any one could be who had now
beheld them for the first time. Beauties so excessive could not but
enjoy the privileges of eternal novelty. Her thighs were so exquisitely
fashioned, that either more in, or more out of flesh than they were,
they would have declined from that point of perfection they presented.
But what infinitely enriched and adorned them, was the sweet
intersection formed, where they met, at the bottom of the smoothest,
roundest, whitest belly, by that central furrow which nature had sunk
there, between the soft relievo of two pouting ridges, and which, in
this girl, was in perfect symmetry of delicacy and miniature with the
rest of her frame. No! nothing in nature could be of a beautifuller cut;
then, the dark umbrage of the downy spring moss that over-arched it,
bestowed, on the luxury of the landscape, a touching warmth, a tender
finishing, beyond the expression of words, or even the paint of thought.
Her truly enamoured gallant, who had stood absorbed and engrossed by the
pleasure of the sight long enough to afford us time to feast ours (no
fear of glutting!) addressed himself at length to the materials of
enjoyment, and lifting the linen veil that hung between us and his
master member of the revels, exhibited one whose eminent size proclaimed
the owner a true woman's hero. He was, besides in every other respect,
an accomplished gentleman, and in the bloom and vigour of youth.
Standing then between Harriet's legs, which were suppor