On parent knees, a naked new-born child, 267.
On the red ramparts, 21.
On thee my heart is resting, 85.
On two days it steads not, 220.
Once, in the flight of ages past, 262.
Once this soft turf, this rivulet's sands, 14.
Once to every man and nation, 4.
One by one thy duties wait thee, 39.
One deed may mar a life, 18.
One part, one little part, 99.
One prayer I have--all prayers in one, 220.
One stitch dropped as we weave, 47.
One thing alone, dear Lord, 128.
One thought I have--my ample creed, 226.
One wept all night beside a sick man's bed, 266.
Only a seed--but it chanced, 64.
Only a smile. Yes, only a smile, 131.
Only for Jesus! Lord, keep it ever, 85.
Only those are crowned and sainted, 62.
Only to-day is mine, 83.
Open the door of your hearts, my lads, 176.
Open the shutters free and wide, 144.
Others shall sing the song, 97.
Our doubts are traitors, 186.
Our Father, through the coming year, 190.
Our toil is sweet with thankfulness, 161.
Our yet unfinished story, 204.
Out from thyself, thyself depart, 87.
Out of the hardness of heart and will, 230.
Out of the night that covers me, 23.
Outwearied with the littleness and spite, 75.
Pain's furnace heat within me quivers, 157.
Patient, resigned and humble wills, 102.
Paul and Silas in their prison, 141.
Peace, perfect peace in this dark world of sin, 89.
Peace upon peace, like wave upon wave, 90.
Perplext in faith, but pure in deeds, 180.
Persuasion, friend, comes not by toil, 76.
Pitch thy behaviour low, 97.
Pleased in the sunshine, 147.
Pleasures are like poppies spread, 263.
Pluck wins! It always wins, 19.
Pour forth the oil, pour boldly forth, 167.
"Praise God, from whom all blessings flow," 142.
Praise not thy work, but let thy work praise thee, 102.
Prayer is Innocence's friend, 132.
Prayer is the soul's sincere desire, 127.
Prune thou thy words, 181.
Purer yet and purer, 115.
Put pain from out the world, 162.
Quiet from God! How beautiful, 230.
Quiet, Lord, my froward heart, 91.
Rabbi Jehosha had the skill, 220.
Rabia, sick upon her bed, 218.
Riches I hold in light esteem, 23.
Ring out the grief that saps the mind, 140.
Round holy Rabia's suffering, 218.
Saint Augustine! well hast thou said, 41.
Saint Dominic, the glory of the schools, 203.
Saith the Lord, Vengeance is mine, 47.
Saviour, who died for me, 86.