Say, is your lamp burning, my brother, 66.
Say not, the struggle naught availeth, 172.
Says God: Who comes towards me, 207.
Search thine own heart, 102.
Secure in his prophetic strength, 64.
Serene I fold my hands and wait, 171.
Serve God and be cheerful, 143.
She brought her box of, 240.
She stood before a chosen few, 63.
Ships that pass in the night, 266.
Show me thy face, 228.
Shut your mouth, and open your eyes, 261.
Since all the riches of this world, 263.
Since first thy word awaked my heart, 86.
Since thy Father's arm sustains thee, 187.
Sit still, my child, 88.
Slightest actions often meet, 56.
Slowly fashioned, link by link, 260.
Small service is true service while it lasts, 65.
So he died for his faith, 2.
So live that when the mighty caravan, 266.
So live that, when thy summons comes, 265.
So long as life's hope-sparkle glows, 108.
So much to do; so little done, 261.
So nigh is grandeur to our dust, 49.
So, when a great man dies, 77.
Some evil upon Rabia fell, 157.
Some murmur, when their sky is clear, 108.
Some of your hurts you have cured, 106.
Some souls there are beloved of God, 231.
Somebody did a golden deed, 26.
Sometimes a light surprises, 193.
Sometime, when all life's lessons have been learned, 191.
Somewhere I have read of an aged monk, 60.
Sound an anthem in your sorrows, 145.
Source of my life's refreshing springs, 151.
Sow thou sorrow and thou shalt reap it, 141.
Sow thou thy seed, 61.
Speak thou the truth. Let others fence, 17.
Speak to him, thou, for he hears, 232.
Stainless soldier on the walls, 6.
Stand upright, speak thy thought, 21.
Stern daughter of the voice of God, 41.
Still hope! still act! 158.
Still raise for good the supplicating voice, 134.
Still shines the light of holy lives, 67.
Still, still with thee, 223.
Still will we trust, 196.
Stone walls do not a prison make, 24.
Strength for to-day is all that we need, 114, 255.
Strong are the walls around me, 82.
Such power there is in clear-eyed self-restraint, 165.
Sunset and evening star, 273.
Surrounded by unnumbered foes, 166.
Sweet is the pleasure, 92.
Sweet is the solace of thy love, 217.
Sweet-voiced Hope, thy fine discourse, 71.
Take the joys and bear the, 268.
Take thine own way with me, 210.
Take time to be holy, 136.
Take my life and let it be, 82.
Talk Faith. The world is bette