date for governor of Mass., 192;
declares fugitive slaves "contraband of war," 248;
House prosecutor of Johnson, 311;
in Congress, characterized, 331;
labors for "force bill" (1875), 345.
Butler, Fanny Kemble. See KEMBLE, FANNY.
Calhoun, John C., Vice-President, relations with Jackson, 30;
defends right of nullification, 32;
prophesies concerning relations between North and South, 34;
becomes leader of South, 34, 44;
characterization of, 47 ff;
social theories of, 50;
in Senate, opposes anti-slavery petitions, claims State control of
mails, 72;
in Tyler's cabinet, leader in Texas annexation, 75;
returns to Senate, 76;
politically isolated, 79;
opposes war with Eng., 80;
claims of for nationionalization of slavery, 80;
last speech of, 86;
his opinion of struggle bet. North and South, 87.
California, taken from Mexico, 79;
admission as free State advocated, 88, 90;
swift settlement of; applies for admission with slavery excluded,
South opposes, 84;
rejects Fifteenth amendment, 315.
Cameron, Simon, candidate for Presidential nomination; supports
Lincoln, 190.
Carolinas, the (see also NORTH, SOUTH),
slavery foundation of aristocracy in, 6;
number of slaves in in 1790, 9.
Carpenter, Frank, Lincoln's conversation with, 256.
"Carpet-baggers," the, 318, 336, 338.
Casey, F. F., in government of Louisiana, 341.
Cass, Lewis, nominated for President, 81;
resigns from cabinet, 224.
Chamberlain, Daniel H., governor of So. Carolina, 332, 348.
Chandler, Zachariah, 270;
sketch of, 283;
as radical leader, 285;
party leader, 331;
chairman Republican national committee; disputes Tilden's
election, 348.
Channing, William Ellery, plan of emancipation, 39;
sketch of, attitude toward anti-slavery movement, 59 ff;
treatise on Slavery, 62.
Chase, Salmon P., in "Free Soil" convention, 82;
in Senate, 83;
against extension of slavery, 90;
in Lincoln's cabinet, 249;
attitude of on emancipation proclamation, 257;
becomes chief justice, 274;
candidate for Presidential nomination, Lincoln's opinion of, services
of in supreme court, 313.
Chestnutt, Charles W., 379;
shows discrimination against negro suffrage, 384.
Child, Lydia Maria, 56;
opinion of Channing, 63.
Church, the, early, accepts slave