DuBois, Prof., 5, 379;
on need of higher education for negroes, 398, 399.
Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 379.
Duncan, James, 38.
Durell, E. H. (Judge), in Louisiana election struggle, 341.
Education, of negroes, 37;
urged by Beecher, 279;
nat'l, of negroes neglected, 325, 326;
higher, for negroes, 358, 377 ff, 398 ff;
Blair bill for local aid to, on basis of existing illiteracy, 372, 404;
of negroes undertaken by Southern whites, 373;
standard of in South being raised, 381;
efforts to restrict for negroes, unjust Kentucky law, 385;
estimate of amt. paid out for negro education to date, 388;
improved industrial for negroes, 388;
of negro presents great difficulty, 396-7;
amount spent by South for edu. of negro in past 30 years, 397;
problems of in South, 397 ff;
need of higher for negroes, 398-9;
gov't aid to in South advocated, 404.
Eggleston, General, Republican leader in Miss., 336.
Eliot, Thomas D., helps organize Republican party, 114.
Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln presents to cabinet, decides to
delay promulgation of, 257;
reintroduces, 258;
discussed and approved by cabinet, issued (1862), 259;
goes into effect, immediate results of, 260 ff.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, in anti-slavery movement, 56;
in literature, 94;
influence of, 143;
pen picture of John Brown by, 160; 243.
"End of an Era, The," 169.
English bill, the, 151.
Evarts, William M., in Republican convention (1860), 191, 192;
defends President Johnson, 312;
Secy. of State under Hayes, 353.
Everett, Edward, nominated for Presidency, 189.
Federalist Party, principles of, 20.
Fee, John G., and Berea College, 73, 170.
Fessenden, William P., in Senate, 114;
in Republican party, 127;
heads reconstruction committee, 281;
in U. S. Senate, 283;
sketch of, 284, 285;
opposes President Johnson's plan of reconstruction, 286;
votes to acquit Pres. Johnson, 312;
death of, 331.
Fillmore, Millard, becomes President, character of, 90;
candidate for Presidential nomination, 92;
nominated (1856) by "Know-nothings," 129.
Fish, Hamilton, in Senate, 114;
in settlement of Alabama claims, 325.
Fisk University, 358.
Florida, secedes, 225;
emancipation in, 260;
provisional gov't of, 275;
reconstructed, 310;
rel. number of negro voters