the Binet-Simon Scale for Measuring
Intelligence._ (1916.)
Contains a chapter on the validity of the individual tests and on
considerations relating to the formation of an intelligence
50. Terman _and_ Knollin. "The Detection of Borderline Deficiency
by the Binet-Simon Method"; in _Journal of Psycho-Asthenics_
(June, 1916).
A comparison of the accuracy of the Stanford and other revisions
with borderline cases.
51. Treves _and_ Saffiotti. "L'echelle metrique de l'intelligence
modifiee selon la methode Treves-Saffiotti"; in _Annee
Psychologique_ (1912), pp. 327-40.
Criticize the age-grade method of measuring intelligence and
propose a substitute.
52. Wallin, J. E. W. _Experimental Studies of Mental Defectives. A
Critique of the Binet-Simon Tests._ Warwick & York. (1912.)
Criticism based on the use of the scale with epileptics.
53. Yerkes _and_ Bridges. _A Point Scale for Measuring Mental
Ability._ Warwick & York.
Authors think the point scale preferable to the Binet-Simon
54. Binet, A., _and_ Simon, Th. _Mentally Defective Children._
Translated from the French by W. B. Drummond. Longmans, Green
& Co. (1914.) 171 pages.
Discusses the psychology, pedagogy, and medical examination of
55. Goddard, H. H. _Feeble-Mindedness; Its Causes and
Consequences._ The Macmillan Company. (1913.) 599 pages.
The most important single volume on the subject. Extensive data on
the causes of feeble-mindedness and excellent clinical pictures
of all grades of mental defects.
56. Goddard, H. H. _The Kallikak Family._ The Macmillan Company.
(1914.) 121 pages.
An epoch-making study of the hereditary transmission of mental
deficiency in a degenerate family.
57. Holmes, Arthur. _The Conservation of the Child._ J. B.
Lippincott Company. (1912.) 345 pages.
Methods of examination and treatment of defective children.
58. Holmes, Arthur. _The Backward Child._ Bobbs-Merrill Company.
A popular treatment of the handling of backward children.
59. Huey, E. B. _Backward and Feeble-Minded Children._ Warwick &
York. (1912.) 221 pages.
Devoted mainly to clinical accounts of borderline cases.
60. Lapage, C. P. _Feeble-Mindedne