ueth. And merciall saith that Ioyes fugitiues abide not longe But flee
away an[=o]n And valerian reherceth that he that hath force and
strengthe raysonable/ hath hit of verray matier of complection and that
cometh of loue And this Ioye hath as moche power to departe the sowle
fro the body/ as hath the thondre/ wherof hit happend that ther was a
woman named lyna whiche had her husbonde in the warre in the shippis of
the romayns/ And she supposid verily that he was ded/ But hit happend
that he cam agayn home And as he entryd in to his yate/ his wif met wyth
hym sodeynly not warned of his comyng. whiche was so glad and Ioyous/
that in enbrasynge hym she fyll doun ded Also of an other woman to whom
was reportid by a fals messanger that her sone was ded/ whiche wente
home soroufully to her hows/ And afterward whan her sone cam to her/ As
sone as she sawe hym/ she was so esmoued wyth Ioye y't she deyde to fore
hym/ But this is not so grete meruaylle of women as is of the men/ For
the women ben likened vnto softe waxe or softe ayer and therfor she is
callid mulier whyche Is as moche to saye in latyn as mollys aer. And in
english soyfte ayer/ And it happeth ofte tymes that the nature of them
that ben softe and mole/ taketh sonner Inpression than the nature of men
that is rude and stronge/ Valerye reherceth & sayth that a knyght of
rome named Instaulosus that had newly conquerid and subiuged the yle of
Corsika/ And as he sacrefyed his goddes/ he receyuyd lettres from the
senate of rome In whiche were conteyned dyuerse supplicacyons/ The
whiche whan he vnderstood he was so glad and so enterprysed wyth Ioye/
that he knewe not what to doo And than a great fumee or smoke yssued out
of the fyre In whiche he dispayred and fyll in to the fyre/ where he was
anone ded/ And also it is sayd that Philomenus lawhed so sore and
distemperatly that he deyde alle lawhynge/ And we rede that ypocras the
phisicien fonde remedye for thys Ioye/ For whan he had longe dwellyd
oute of his contreye for to lerne connynge and wysedom/ And shold
retorne vnto his parentis and frendes/ whan he approchid nyghe them/ He
sente a messanger to fore for to telle to them his comynge/ and comanded
hym to saye that he cam/ for they had not longe to fore seen hym/ And
y't they shold attempre them in that Ioye er they shold see hym/ And
also we rede that Titus the sone of vaspasian whan he had conquerd
Iherusalem and abode in y'e contrees by/ he herde y't his fader