uynge ne defoule the crowne of his conscience/ and whan the
yonge men knewe that she had ben with hym all the night And coude not
chaunge his contynence/ they began to mocque her/ And to axe and demande
of her the besant that they had gyuen to her. And she answerd That hit
was holden & gaged vpon an ymage/ For as moche as she might not change
his contynence she callyd hym an ymage/ And in semblable wyse reherceth
Valerian of Scenocrates philosopher that ther laye with hym a woman all
night And tempted hym disordinatly/ but that ryght chafte man/ made
neuer femblant to her/ Ner he neuer remeuyd from his ferme purpoos/ In
fuche wyfe as fhe departid from hym alle confufid and fhamed/ Cornelius
fcipion that was fent by the romayns for to gouerne fpayne/ as fone as
he entryd in to the caftellis & in to the townes of that lande He began
to take away all the thynges that miht ftyre or meue his men to lecherye
wherfore men fayd that he drof & chaced oute of the ofte moo than two
thoufand bourdellys/ And he that was wyfe knewe well that delyte of
lecherye corrupted and apayred the corages of tho men that ben
abandonned to that fame delyte/ And herof hit is fayd in the fables of
the poetes in the first book of the Truphes of the Philofophers by
figure. That they that entryd in to the fontayne of the firenes or
mermaydens/ were corrumpid and they toke them away with hem/ And alfo y'e
ought to knowe that they ought to entende diligently to the cures of the
enfermytees in cyrugerye/ They ought to make theyr playfters acordynge
to the woundes or fores/ yf the wounde be rounde The enplaftre muft be
round/ and yf hyt be longe/ hyt mufte be longe/ and otherwhile hit mufte
be cured by his contrarye/ lyke as it apperteyneth to phifique/ For the
hete is cured by cold/ and the colde by hete/ and Ioye by forowe/ and
fbrowe by Ioye/ and hit happeth ofte tymes that moche peple be in grete
paryll in takynge to moche Ioye and lefe her membris/ and become half
benomen in the fodayn Ioye/ And Ioye is a replection of thynge that is
delectable fprad a brode in all the membris with right grete gladnes And
all men entende and desire to haue the sayd ryght grete Ioye naturelly/
But they knowe not what may ensue and come therof And this Ioye cometh
otherwhile of vertue of conscience/ And the wyse man is not wyth out
this Ioye And this Ioye is neuer Interrupt ne in deffaulte at no tyme
For hit cometh of nature And fortune may not take a waye that nature