the Living God explicetly renew our
Covenant with God and one with another and after perusing the
Covenant on which this church was at first gathered, we do
cordially adhear to the same, both in matters of faith and
discipline; and whereas some provoking evils have crept in among
us which has been the procuring causes of the divisions and
calamitys that God has sent or permitted in this place, especially
the neglect of a close walk with God and a watchfulness over our
brother. We desire from our hearts to bewail it before the Lord
and humbly to entreat for pardoning mercy through the blood of the
Everlasting Covenant, and we do heartily desire by God's grace to
reform these evils or whatsoever else have provoked the eyes of
God's glory among us."
Daniel Palmer, jr.,
Peter Mooers,
Jabez Nevers,
Moses Coburn,
Benjm. Brown,
Israel Perly,
Daniel Jewett,
Jacob Barker,jr.,
Asa Perley,
Jonathan Burpe,
Saml. Whitney,
Daniel Palmer,
Jacob Palmer,
Humphrey Pickard,
Edward Coy.
Female Members of the Church.
Mary Barker,
Jane Pickard,
Abigail Jewett,
Hannah Coburn,
Lydia Whitney,
Lydia Jepheson,
Hannah Noble,
Anna Coy,
Elizbh. Palmer.
"The last Sabbath I preached at St. John's river," continued Mr.
Alline, "the people seemed so loth to go away, that we stopped at
the meeting-house door, and sung and discoursed some time, and
then I left them to go down the river." He preached at Gagetown,
encamped a night in the woods, and on the third day reached the
mouth of the river where he preached at "Mahogany." The next day
was Sunday and in the morning a boat came to take him to "the
town"--or settlement at Portland Point--where he was to preach.
Evidently the people were disposed to hold aloof from his
ministrations at this time, for he says, "O! the darkness of the
place! * * I suppose there were upwards of 200 people there come
to the years of maturity, and I saw no signs of any Christian
excepting one soldier. Yet although I was among such an
irreligious people, the Lord was kind to me, and I lacked for
nothing while I was there."
He returned to St. John in the latter part of August and preached on a
Sunday. Major Studholme treated him with civility, and sent him up the
river in his own barge. He found the church prospering. There was much
interest in religi