quires, were members.
One of the notices issued by order of the court was as follows:--
Application having been made to the Court of General Quarter
Sessions of the Peace, for the County of Sunbury and Province of
Nova Scotia, held at Maugerville on the Second Tuesday of October,
A. D., 1781, setting forth the necessity of having a Publick House
of Entertainment kept near the Harbour of the River St.
Johns:--Therefore by virtue of the Authority vested in the said
Court by the Laws of the said Province, Licence is hereby given to
Philip Newton to keep a Publick House of Entertainment and to
retail Spirituous Liquors for the space of one year at the place
aforesaid, he the said Philip Newton keeping and maintaining good
order agreeable to the Laws of this Province.
By order of the said court,
BENJ. ATHERTON, Clerk Peace.
It is not improbable that Philip Newton, mentioned above, was a
relative of Hon. Henry Newton, member of the Council of Nova Scotia,
and Collector of Customs at Halifax. His stay at St. John was
evidently brief, and this is the only known reference to him.
In 1782 the disturbed condition of affairs, consequent upon the
Revolution, had so far improved that St. John was made a Port of
Entry, with James White as Deputy Collector, under Henry Newton of
Halifax. It was truly the day of small things with the future Winter
Port of Canada. The following is a list of the vessels that entered
and cleared in the year 1782.
Entered. Tons. Cleared. Tons.
Rosanna 17 Rosanna 17
Betsy 10 Peggy 8
Escape 10 Betsy 10
Polly 10 Escape 10
Sally 10 Polly 10
Lark 18 Sally 10
Ranger 12 Lark 18
Prosperity 10 Ranger 12
Unity 10 Prosperity 10
Speedy 7 Unity 10
Little Tom 30 Little Tom 30
--- Monaguash 20
Total tonnage 144 ---
Total tonnage 165
The emoluments derived by James White from his office as Deputy
Collector of Customs were small. William Hazen's position, as
commissary of the garrison of Fort Howe, was something better. Most of
the supplies of fuel, meat and vegetables for the garrison were
furnished by Messrs. Hazen & White, and the profits were consider