at the windows; as reproaching him for his dark spleen;
as telling him that, sulk as he might, and go mad with it, nature cared
not a jot; since, whose fault was it, pray?
But the foul mood was now at its depth, as the fair wind at its height.
There was something in the man so far beyond any mere unsociality or
sourness previously evinced, that even the forbearing good-nature of his
guest could no longer endure it. Wholly at a loss to account for such
demeanor, and deeming sickness with eccentricity, however extreme, no
adequate excuse, well satisfied, too, that nothing in his own conduct
could justify it, Captain Delano's pride began to be roused. Himself
became reserved. But all seemed one to the Spaniard. Quitting him,
therefore, Captain Delano once more went to the deck.
The ship was now within less than two miles of the sealer. The
whale-boat was seen darting over the interval.
To be brief, the two vessels, thanks to the pilot's skill, ere long
neighborly style lay anchored together.
Before returning to his own vessel, Captain Delano had intended
communicating to Don Benito the smaller details of the proposed services
to be rendered. But, as it was, unwilling anew to subject himself to
rebuffs, he resolved, now that he had seen the San Dominick safely
moored, immediately to quit her, without further allusion to hospitality
or business. Indefinitely postponing his ulterior plans, he would
regulate his future actions according to future circumstances. His boat
was ready to receive him; but his host still tarried below. Well,
thought Captain Delano, if he has little breeding, the more need to show
mine. He descended to the cabin to bid a ceremonious, and, it may be,
tacitly rebukeful adieu. But to his great satisfaction, Don Benito, as
if he began to feel the weight of that treatment with which his slighted
guest had, not indecorously, retaliated upon him, now supported by his
servant, rose to his feet, and grasping Captain Delano's hand, stood
tremulous; too much agitated to speak. But the good augury hence drawn
was suddenly dashed, by his resuming all his previous reserve, with
augmented gloom, as, with half-averted eyes, he silently reseated
himself on his cushions. With a corresponding return of his own chilled
feelings, Captain Delano bowed and withdrew.
He was hardly midway in the narrow corridor, dim as a tunnel, leading
from the cabin to the stairs, when a sound, as of the tolling for
execution in