ive suffrages are grouped into one. In like manner four are
grouped in the suffrage, _From all evil and mischief_ &c.
The number of petitions was further reduced by the omission of all the
prayers to the Saints, entreating them to pray for us. These were very
numerous--28 fixed; and 40 more, which varied according to the week-day.
The petitions which were then introduced present two features which
should be carefully studied--_Duplication_ and _Wreathing_[5].
_Duplication_ has been already explained (see p. 33), and is here of
the Progressive sort. We give numerous instances below. _Wreathing_
is when two phrases have two members each, and are united by taking the
two first members together, and the two second members together.
A simple instance of this is found in the union of the phrases,
_by their preaching they may set forth,_
_and by their living they may shew accordingly_
{161} the Word of God. These, being wreathed together, become _that by
their preaching and living they may set it forth and shew it
In such combinations it is necessary that the ideas shall be in harmony
with one another. God's truth is set forth in sermons, and shewn in
the preacher's life: with rather less exactness, but with sufficient
truth, and with admirable suggestion, we may say that God's truth is
set forth in the good life of a preacher, and shewn in his sermons.
One of the best instances of Wreathing is in the combination of the
three phrases
_succour all that are in danger,_
_help all that are in necessity,_
_comfort all that are in tribulation._
Danger, Necessity, and Tribulation are in progressive order of
calamity. In danger, the calamity may be avoided--we want support for
our own strength: in necessity, the blow has fallen--we want help at
once from outside: in tribulation, the disaster has come--we want
If we have understood Progressive Duplication, we shall at once see
that Wreathing is used in unison with it.
It is convenient to describe the 1st section of the Litany, as
consisting of four subsections, viz. Invocations, Deprecations,
Obsecrations, and Intercessions. The Invocations are said by the
Minister, and repeated by the congregation. The prayers of the other
sub-sections formerly were also said twice; but, since 1549, are said
in two parts, the congregation making the respond which contains the
prayer. This is done {162} not only for variety, but to ass