of, 322-323;
child mortality, 337
Climate, 73, 109
Clothier, 39, 40, etc.
Collet, 305, 307, 311, 312
Competition, 104, 108, 118, 120, etc.;
"unfair," 146
Consumption, insufficient quantity, 180, etc;
progressive, 284; quality of, 368
Concentration of industry, 38, 101
Cooke-Taylor, _The Modern Factory System_, 36, 37, 50, 66, 251-252, 255
Corner, 127, 129
Cotton, 24, 37, 55, 63, 105;
consumption of, 80;
machinery, 90, 247;
statistics, 228;
spinning labour, 246;
factory legislation, 322
Cournot, _Recherches sur les Principes Mathematiques de la Theorie
des Richesses_, 97
Crime in towns, 340
Crompton, 56
Cunningham, _History of English Industry_, 14, 19, 42, 55;
_Uses and Abuses of Money_, 236, 251
Custom, in women's industries, 311
Decentralisation, 345
Defoe, _Tour_, 25, 28, 32, 33, 38, 40
Depression of trade, 171, 206, etc.
Dilke, Lady, 301 (note)
Differentiation, 106
Diminishing returns, law of, 374
Dodd, C.S.T., _Ten Years of the Standard Oil Trust_, 130, 144
Domestic industry, 35, 69, 78
Dress trades, 293, 294
"Driving," 248, 249
Economy of competitive power, 118;
of high wages, 261-286
Ellison, T., _History of the Cotton Trade_, 76, 228
Europe, growth of towns, 329
Factor, 41
Factory, 37, 39, 57;
system, 50, 319, 320;
legislation, 321-323
Fairs, 30, 105
Foreign trade, in England, 13, 73;
Europe, 20, 106
Foxwell, H.S., _The Claims of Labour_, 341
Foundational industries, 102
France, English trade with, 16;
machine-development, 74;
employments, 233;
town population, 328, 335;
treaty, 63
Free trade, 63, 79, 352-354
Gas-tar, 53
Geddes, Professor Patrick, _The Evolution of Sex_, 379;
_The Claims of Labour_, 379
Germany, 79;
cotton trade in, 77-78, 81;
town population, 329
Giffen, R., _Essays in Finance_, 175
Gould, 272, 284
Gunton, G., _The Economic and Social Aspect of Trusts_, 138, 149, 153;
_Wealth and Progress_, 271, 309
Guyot, Yves, _Principles of Social Economy_, 219
Hargreaves, 56
Halifax, 31, 33, 41, 301 (note)
Hearn, _Plutology_, 211
Hodge, evidence before House of Lords, 57
Holland, trade of, 16, 17, 26;
towns in, 327
Immigration, 19, 326-331
India, 108, 270, 280
Industrial organism, 11, 20, 105
International trade, 14, 75
Invention, "heroic" view of, 57;
by small increments, 58-59
Iron trade, 23, 28, 72, 8