ivate sanitarium that our uncle has in Belgrade.
The Austrians had seized this, and had begun making it over for a
hospital. They wanted the Bulgarian Red Cross installed. They had
brought quantities of biscuits and tea and conserves. But they had to
leave in such a hurry they couldn't take the things with them. 'And
now,' my sister says, 'we are eating them!'
"Across the street four of our cousins live--young men. They are all at
the front now"--Miss Losanich laughed outright as she read this
part--"their house was entered and all their clothes taken; dress suits,
smoking jackets, linen, and all those things. It makes me laugh; it's
naughty, I know. But they used to go out a good deal. I have seen them
in those clothes so often. One of them wanted to marry me. He used to go
out a great deal"--this with another merry peal of laughter.
"Mme. Grouitch's house was undisturbed; and ours. We used to know the
Austrian attache before the war. He was rather a nice fellow. Played
tennis with us a good deal, and so on. He came into Belgrade with his
army, and he came around to our house. The servants recognized him,
because, you see, they knew him. The servants had stayed behind. He
seemed to think he would like to make my sister's house his quarters,
but after he had thought about it a while he went away.
"She says that she would like to go back to Belgrade, but the railroad
has been destroyed--a big viaduct of stone at Ralya, about 17 kilometers
from Belgrade; and they have to go from Ralya to Belgrade by carriage.
There are so many wagons of the commissariat on the road--so many
carriages have been seized by the Government--it is impossible for
private citizens to get through.
"A gibbet was put up in the square after the Austrians came into the
city and a man was hanged the first morning, in spite of the fact that
the Austrians had promised safety to the non-combatants. Dr. Edward
Ryan, the head of the American Red Cross in Belgrade, protested, and the
gibbet was taken down. But my sister says that eighteen more people were
hanged in the fortress down by the Save--she hears--where they wouldn't
be seen.
"Mr. Bisserce, a Belgian, is director of the electric lighting plant in
Belgrade. He is a nice man, and, being a Belgian, he does not like the
Austrians. He wouldn't light the town until they made him, and he
wouldn't give them a map of the system at all. He was bound in ropes and
taken away as a hostage, and they hav