York Evening Post_, 1903-9.
Editor of _The Nation_, 1909-14.
A Century of Indian Epigrams; Chiefly from the Sanskrit of Bhartrihari.
The Jessica Letters, an Editor's Romance. 1904. (With Mrs. L.H. Harris.)
*Shelburne Essays, (11 volumes.) 1904-21.
Nietzsche. 1912.
Platonism. 1917.
The Religion of Plato. 1921.
Acad. 80 ('11): 353.
Ath. 1909, 1: 67; 1920, 1: 703.
Bookm. (Lond.) 44 ('13): 256; 58 ('20): 207.
Critic, 45 ('04): 395 (portrait).
Cur. Op. 55 ('13): 126.
Ind. 65 ('08): 1337 (portrait).
Outlook, 81 ('05): 678.
Philos. R. 26 ('17): 409.
Putnam's, 1 ('07): 716 (portrait) 752.
Review, 2 ('20): 54.
R. of Rs. 60 ('19): 190 (portrait).
Sat. Rev. 132 ('21): 323.
Sewanee R. 26 ('18): 63.
Spec. 116 ('16): 632; 125 ('20): 113.
+Christopher (Darlington) Morley+--essayist, poet.
Born at Haverford, Pennsylvania, 1890. A.B., Haverford College, 1910.
Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, 1910-13. Editorial staff Doubleday, Page and
Company, 1913-17; _Ladies Home Journal_, 1917-18; _Philadelphia Evening
Public Ledger_, 1918-20. In 1920, began his column, "The Bowling Green"
in the _New York Evening Post_.
The Eighth Sin. 1912.
Parnassus on Wheels. 1917.
Songs for a Little House. 1917.
Shandygaff. 1918.
The Rocking Horse. 1919.
The Haunted Book Shop. 1919.
In the Sweet Dry and Dry. 1919. (+With Bart Haley.+)
Mince Pie. 1919.
Travels in Philadelphia. 1920.
Kathleen. 1920.
Hide and Seek. 1920. (Poems.)
Chimneysmoke. 1921.
Modern Essays. 1921. (Compilation.)
Plum Pudding. 1921.
Tales from a Roll-Top Desk. 1921.
Where the Blue Begins. 1922.
Thursday Evening. 1922. (Play.)
Bookm. 46 ('18): 657 (portrait).
Everybody's 42 ('20): Feb., p. 29 (portrait).
Ind. 94 ('18): 412 (portrait).
Lit. Digest, 63 ('19): Oct. 18, p. 27=Liv. Age, 303 ('19): 170.
Outlook, 124 ('20): 202 (portrait).
+George Jean Nathan+--critic, man of letters.
Born at Fort Wayne, Indiana, 1882. A.B., Cornell, 1904. On editorial
staff of the _New York Herald_, 1904-6. On the staffs of various
magazines, including _Harper's Weekly_, the _Associated Sunday Magazine_,
and the _Smart Set_, usually as dramatic critic, 1906-14. With James
Huneker (q.v.) dramatic critic for _Puck_, 1915-6. Dramatic critic for
the Na