arsing the infinitive
according to the code of Murray? 101. How do Nutting, Kirkham, Nixon,
Cooper, and Sanborn, agree with Murray, or with one an other, in pointing
out what governs the infinitive? 102. What do Murray and others mean by
"_neuter verbs_," when they tell us that the taking of the infinitive
without _to_ "extends only to active and neuter verbs?" 103. How is the
infinitive used after _bid_? 104. How, after _dare_? 105. How, after
_feel_? 106. How, after _hear_? 107. How, after _let_? 108. How, after
_make_? 109. How, after _need_? 110. Is _need_ ever an auxiliary? 111. What
errors are taught by Greenleaf concerning _dare_ and _need_ or _needs_?
112. What is said of _see_, as governing the infinitive? 113. Do any other
verbs, besides these eight, take the infinitive after them without _to_?
114. How is the infinitive used after _have, help_, and _find_? 115. When
two or more infinitives occur in the same construction, must _to_ be used
with each? 116. What is said of the sign _to_ after _than_ or _as_?
1. What questionable uses of participles are commonly admitted by
grammarians? 2. Why does the author incline to condemn these peculiarities?
3. What is observed of the multiplicity of uses to which the participle in
_ing_ may be turned? 4. What is said of the participles which some suppose
to be put absolute? 5. How are participles placed? 6. What is said of the
transitive use of such words as _unbecoming_? 7. What distinction, in
respect to government, is to be observed between a participle and a
participial noun? 8. What shall we do when _of_ after the participial noun
is objectionable? 9. What is said of the correction of those examples in
which a needless article or possessive is put before the participle? 10.
What is stated of the retaining of adverbs with participial nouns? 11. Can
words having the form of the first participle be nouns, and clearly known
to be such, when they have no adjuncts? 12. What strictures are made on
Murray, Lennie, and Bullions, with reference to examples in which an
infinitive follows the participial noun? 13. In what instances is the first
participle equivalent to the infinitive? 14. What is said of certain
infinitives supposed to be erroneously put for participles? 15. What verbs
take the participle after them, and not the infinitive? 16. What is said of
those examples in which participles seem to be made the objects of verbs?
17. What is sa