the sight (eyes); it is also existent in the brain, which is
the location of great functions and powers; it is also existent in the
heart, which organ is largely connected with the brain or the center of
the mind, and the heart, or that center which is connection with the
brain, has a distinct and separate function, effect and appearance. In
this connection, the hair and nails have no command (nor direct feeling).
Figuratively speaking, the Father is the center of the brain and the Son
is the center of the heart; the rest of the Prophets are members and
parts. Fatherhood and Prophethood, in this case, are two expressions of
the same thing, as man and creature are two names of the same reality. The
word "man," however, is greater than the word "creature" because it bears
a weightier meaning than the name "creature"; both are the same.
O maid-servant of God! I pray God to confirm thee forever anew. Give
greeting to thy dear mother. Superstition hath somewhat overcome her. When
the imagined Satan overpowers, let her say: "O Baha-el-ABHA!" She should
then turn to the highest Kingdom. Thus will the imagined Satan leave her.
[She] has a form of obsession; therefore, you may not heed her sayings.
Cultivate the land and thus, through its fruits, you will obtain benefits.
God will relieve you from care (on account) of your mother.
Give your good husband my spiritual greeting. I pray that he may be made a
recipient of the divine bounties and attain to the grace of God.
"O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of Holiness!..."
O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of Holiness!
Be dilated in thy heart by the gentle breeze which emanates from the
garden of Eternal Life and enkindled in the Tree of Sinai in the center of
Paradise; so that thou mayest be a pillar of fire and a cloud of light in
this age, wherein a drop grows into a large wave of the sea, and a lamp
glistens with the light of the dazzling stars, and this is from the power
which is manifested by thy Lord, the Clement, the Merciful. ***
Be firm in the worship of God, fasting, praying, imploring and invoking
unto thy God, the Generous; so that He shall destine to thee the honor of
sacrifice in the path of thy Beloved, the Ancient.
I ask God to grant thee thy greatest wish in this wonderful time.
"O thou who art cheered through the Fragrances of..."
O thou who art cheered through the Fragrances of God!
When thou desirest and ye