of three kinds, that is to { 5. The decaied housholder.
saie: { 6. The visited with greeuous disease.
3. The thriftles poore are three { 7. The riotor that consumeth all.
kinds in like wise, that { 8. The vagabond that will abide in no
is to saie: place.
{ 9. The idle person, as the strumpet
and others.
For these sorts of poore were prouided three seuerall houses. First for
the innocent and fatherlesse, which is the beggers child, and is in deed
the seed and breeder of beggerie, they prouided the house that was late
Graie friers in London, and now is called Christes hospitall, where the
poore children are trained in the knowledge of God, and some vertuous
exercise to the ouerthrowe of beggerie. For the second degree, is prouided
the hospitall of saint Thomas in Southworke, & saint Bartholomew in west
Smithfield, where are continuallie at least two hundred diseased persons,
which are not onelie there lodged and cured, but also fed and nourished.
For the third degree, they prouided Bridewell, where the vagabond and idle
strumpet is chastised, and compelled to labour, to the ouerthrow of the
vicious life of idlenes. They prouided also for the honest decaied
housholder, that he should be relieued at home at his house, and in the
parish where he dwelled, by a weekelie reliefe and pension. And in like
manner they prouided for the lazer, to keepe him out of the citie from
clapping of dishes, and ringing of bels, to the great trouble of the
citizens, and also to the dangerous infection of manie, that they should
be relieued at home at their houses with seuerall pensions."--_Holinshed_,
iii. 1082. The rest of the page should be read about "blessed king" Edward
VI., and his thanking God that he'd given him life to finish "this worke"
of relief to the poor "to the glorie of thy name": two days after, the
good young king died.--F.
[166] At whose hands shall the blood of these men be required?--H.
[167] Objection 2, sign. e. i. "I praie you shewe me by what occasion or
meanes, this huge nomber of Beggers and Vacaboundes doe breede here in
Englande. And why you appointe twelue of them to euery Shipp: I thinke
they maie carie the Shippe awaie, & become Pirates. [Answer.] If you
consider the pouerty that is and doth remaine in the Shire tounes, and
Market tounes, within this R