ties.} shipes now in the narrow seas or ells wheare
abroad, as followeth:
The Elizabet Jonas, Triumphe, Whit Beare, Merhonour, Arke Raughley,
Victory; Mathewe and Andrewe, 2 Spanish shipps. In these viij
shippes, yf any of her mg{tie}s vj m{rs} shalbe appointed to serue,
then to haue--
New rates per Olde rates per
mensem. mensem.
The Boteson 4 0 0 3 2 6
The Gonner 1 12 6 0 15 0
The purser 1 6 8 1 0 0
The Cooke 1 0 0 0 17 6
Repulse, Warspight, Garland, Defiance, Mary Roase, Lyon, Bonauentur,
Hope, Vauntgard, Raynebowe, Nonperelia. Yf any of these xj shipps,
then to have, etc.
* * * * *
Dreadnought, Swifsuer, Antelope, Swallowe, Foresight, Aduentur. Yf
any, etc.
* * * * *
Ayde, Answere, Quittance, Crane, Aduauntage, Teiger. Yf any, etc.
* * * * *
Tremontaine, Scoute, Achates, The Gally Mercury. Yf any, etc.
* * * * *
Charles, Aduice, Moone, Frigett, Spye, Signet, Sonne, George hoye,
* * * * *
Memorand: that these aduanced Rates doe onlie concerne the Queens
ma{ties} vj maisters, and the Botesons, Gunners, Pursers, & Cooks,
that daylie serue her Ma{tie} in the shipps in ordinarie in Harborow,
and noe others: w{ch} is so increased to them especiallie to containe
them in true seruice and due obedience to her ma{tie}."
This will be seen to differ somewhat from Harrison's list of the previous
[219] See Hakluyt's record of the daring and endurance of our Elizabethan
[220] "Confession by torment is esteemed for nothing, for if hee confesse
at the iudgement, the tryall of the 12 goeth not vpon him; if hee deny the
fact: that which he said before, hindreth him not. The nature of
English-men is to neglect death, to abide no torment: and therefore hee
will confesse rather to haue done anything, yea to haue killed his owne
father, than to suffer torment: for death, our nation doth not so much
esteeme as a meere torment. In no place shall you see malefactors goe more
constantly, more assuredly, and with lesse lamentation to their death than
in England