plume -- wasa vasa -- --
Child, son me, ese isa me ese isia
Club gilise hadufa adufa, -- hadoga
Dog oi hu hu, fu hoa ho
Ear yangolo gadoro gaderu gadero i
Eye i i i e yago
Forest -- -- bu = garden -- bu
Father ba -- -- ba ba
Fire oki uki okia okia oke
Foot soge siga suku suge sogo
Go gege -- henga inga hego
Ground bu, fa hoa bu = garden -- fa
Hair, head ade ha ha ha ha
House e e -- e e
Knife indi indi indi -- --
Leaf tu idu itu idu utu
Lip, mouth ude uba ude ude uau
Moon one hama -- hama hoana
Navel kombolu kumburu -- habera = koboro
Nose unge unga hunge unuga unga
Pig ovo -- obu -- o'o
Rain yangose -- iangushe iangose yagosa
Smoke iso iso ishio -- isoa
Stone bute io -- io butia
Sun, day eve ewuri -- evurima eurima
Sugar-cane -- teba tebe -- --
Taro munde munda mude -- mude
Thigh mude muda mude -- mude
Tongue usese asisino asese asese asiesa
Tooth ato usi ado ado atu
Village e haru e -- eda
Water yu iu iu iu eu
Woman amu ?mamo = amu amu amu
The numerals show similar agreements. These will be illustrated in
the next section.
2. Afoa.--The Afoa vocabulary was collected by Dr. Strong in
the villages on Mount Pitsoko