immediately thrust that
bodkin into your lappe or pocket, and pull out another playne bodkin
like the same, sauing in that conceite.
To cut halfe your nose in sunder, and to heale
it againe presently without any salue.
Take a knife, hauing a round hollow gappe in the middle, and lay it
vppon your nose, and so shall you seeme to haue cut your nose in
sunder:[*] prouided alwaies that in all these, you haue another like
knife without a gap to be shewed vppon pulling out of the same and
words of inchauntments to speake: Blood also to bewraye the wounde,
and nimble conueyance.
[Sidenote: This is easily don, howbeit being nimbly done it
will deceaue the sight of the beholders.]
To put a Ring through your cheeke.
There is pretty Knack, which seemeth dangerous to the cheeke: for the
accomplishment whereof, you must haue two rings of like coullour and
quantity, the one filed asunder, so as you may thrust it vpon your
cheeke: the other must be whole and conueyed vpon a sticke, holding
your hand therevpon in the middle of the sticke, deliuering each end
of the same sticke to be holden fast by a stander by, then pulling the
ring out of your cheeke, cleanely strike it against same part of the
sticke, keeping it still in your hand, then pull your other hand from
the sticke, and pulling it away, whirle about the ring, and so it will
be thought that you haue put thereon the Ring which was in your
Many other pretty feates of this nature might be here sett downe, as
to cut of ones head and to laye it in a platter, which Iuglers cal the
decollation of _S. Iohn_ the Baptist, also to thrust a dagger or
bodkin through your gutts very strangely, and to recouer imediately:
after another way then with the bodkyn before rehearsed, also to draw
a corde through your nose, mouth or hande so sencibly, as is wonderful
to see, al which with many more, I here forbeare for breuities sake.
There is a very pretty trick to make wine or beere, to come out of
your browe, or eare, with a funnell after you haue drank the same, the
which I am loath to discouer, as not willing to haue all the poore
Iugglers trickes made known at once: there is a way to make fire to
come out of your mouth by burning of towe, all which for reasons
before aleadged, I wil here omit to discouer. But will hie me to
another sorte of Iugglers, or rather cosoners, calling themselues by
the name of alc