o lay the coles handsomely, he foysteth
into the middle ward or lane of coles, a beechen cole, within which
was conueyed an ingot of perfect siluer, (which when the cole was
consumed slipt down into the croslet, that was I say directly vnder
it.) The Priest perceaued not the fraud, but receaued the ingot of
siluer, and was not a little ioyfull to see such certen successe
proceed from his own handy worke, wherein could be no fraud (as he
surely conceaued) and therefore very dilligently gaue the knaue forty
pounds, for the receit of this experiment, who for that summe of mony,
taught him a lesson in Alcumistry, but he neuer returned to heare
repetitions or to see how hee profited.
A merry tale how a cosoning Alcumist deceaued
a country Gentleman.
A Gentleman in Kent of good worth, not long sithence was ouertaken by
a cosoning knaue, who professed Alcumistry, Iugling, Witch craft, and
coniuration, and by meanes of his companions and confederates, found
the simplicitie and abilitie of the said Gentleman, & learnt his
estate and humors to be conuenient for his purpose, and at last came a
wooing to his daughter, to whome hee made loue cunningly in words,
though his purpose tended to another end: and among other illusions
and tales, concerning his owne commendations, for wealth, parentage,
inheritance, alliance, learning and cunning, be bosted of the
knowledge and experience in Alcumistry, making the simple Gentleman
beleeue that he could multiply, and of one Angell make two or three,
which seemed strange to the Gentleman: insomuch as he became willing
enough to see that conclusion: whereby the Alcumister had more hope
and comfort to attaine his desire, then if his daughter had yeelded to
haue married him: to bee short, he in the presence of the said
Gentleman, did include within a little ball of virgins ware a couple
of Angells, & after certaine ceremonies and coniuring words, he seemed
to deliuer the same vnto him, but in truth, through Legerdemaine, he
conueyed into the Gentlemans hand, another ball of the same scantling,
wherein were inclosed many more Angells then were in the ball which he
thought he had receaued, Now (forsooth) the Alcumister bad him lay vp
the same ball of ware, and also vse certaine ceremonies, (which I
thought good heere to omit) and after certaine daies, houres, and
minutes, they returned together according to the appointment, and
found great gaines by