Mullen's Court, purchase for destruction, 119.
Beresheim, J., 227.
Forsythe Street tragedy, 86.
Lodging houses, murders traced to, 156.
Meyer, F., 98.
Mike of Poverty Gap, 239-240.
Weeks, L. S., 156.
National Consumers' League, work of, 196-201.
Naturalization papers, fraudulent, 186, 190, 207.
Neckties, Poverty Gap, 51.
Character as tenants, 110.
Model tenements for, 134.
Neighborliness, need of, 398-403.
Nero, enactment as to height of buildings, 11.
New Jersey, Jewish colonies, 212-215.
New Orange, home-building attempt abandoned, 214.
"Nurseries of crime," lodging houses as, 54, 156.
Old Church tenements, 16.
One-room houses, beginnings of, 97.
Open spaces, _see_ Parks and playgrounds.
Orchard Street--
Jews dwelling under stairs, 95.
One-room houses, beginnings of, 97.
Outdoor Recreation League--
"Hudson-bank" park, 292.
Organization and object, 300.
Seward Park gymnastic apparatus, 302.
Battle against, 83-86.
Double-deckers as cause of, 102.
Elizabeth Street, midnight inspection, 99-102.
Increase statistics, 81-83.
Promoters of, high rents and low wages, 96.
Paddock, Rev. R., evidence against Tammany evil-doers, 72.
Palmerston, Lord, advice as to checking an epidemic, 34.
Park Avenue hotel for working girls, failure of, 29, 165-166.
Parkhurst disclosures, 41, 66.
Park Street, cellars, 20.
Parks and playgrounds--
Advisory committee, action, 287-291.
Chicago, 304-305, 410, 439.
Crotona Park, athletic meets, 366.
East River Park, sacred grass, 301.
Effect of, 288-289, 307-309.
Essex Street, attempt to establish park, 294.
Gilder law, 276, 279.
Graveyard as playground, 302.
Hamilton Fish Park, _see that title_.
Hebrew Institute, roof garden, 305-307.
Holy Terror Park, 302.
"Hudson-bank," _see that title_.
Mulberry Bend, _see that title_.
Naming of, 374-375.
Outdoor Recreation League, _see that title_.
Poverty Gap playground, 302.
Proportion of park area down-town, 279.
Recreation piers, 292, 296, 299.
Rivington Street, attempt to establish park, 293.
Roof playgrounds, _see that title_.
School playgrounds, _see_ Schools.
Seward Park, _see that title_.
Small Parks law, _see that title_.