on Problem, I, 349.
Dupuy, J. and P., II, _295_.
Dutens, L., II, _90_.
Dyer, G., I, _178_.
Earth, Figure of, II, 54.
Easter, I, 359.
Easter Day Paradoxes, I, 353.
Ebrington, Thos., I, _247_.
Edgeworth, Maria, I, _191_.
Editorial System, I, 15.
Edleston, I, _140_; II, 296.
Edwards, J., I, _144_.
Edwards, T., I, _112_.
Eirenaeus Philalethes, I, _125_, 125, 126.
Eldon, Lord (1st), II, _197_.
Elephant story, I, 58.
Elizabeth, Queen, I, 128.
Ellenborough, Baron, I, _181_.
Ellicot, I, 24.
Ellis, I, _76_, 82.
Engel, I, 230.
English language, Origin of, I, 215.
Enriques, F., II, _367_.
Epps, J., I, _153_; II, 143.
Equation of fifth degree, I, 250, 373.
Erasmus, I, 110.
Erastus, I, _65_.
Erichsen, I, 163.
Ersch, II, _193_, 282.
Erskine, T., II, _127_.
Esperanto, Forerunner of, I, 116.
Euclid, I, 5, 43; II, 118, 151.
--Without Axioms, I, 287.
Eudoxus, II, _164_.
Euler, I, 221, _382_; II, 3, 4, 303, 331, 339.
Eusebius, II, _220_.
Eustace, J. C., II, _46_.
Eutocius, I, _41_; II, 60.
Evelyn, J., I, _108_.
Everett, J., I, _346_.
Evidence, I, 57, 58.
Faber. (_See Stapulensis._)
Fairfax, Mary, I, _242_.
Falco, I, 53.
Faraday, M., II, _351_.
Faure, de, I, 149; II, 238.
Fawcett, H., II, _249_.
Ferguson, J., II, _20_.
Fermat, I, 122, 221; II, _300_.
Ferrari, S., II, 68.
Fiction, New era in, I, 189.
Fienus, I, _74_, 74.
Filopanti, Q. B., II, _93_.
Finaeus, I, _50_, 50, 113.
Finleyson, J., I, 314, _314_.
Flamsteed, I, _87_, 309; II, 45, 143, 302, 306.
Fletcher, I, 378.
Fludd, II, _318_.
Fly-leaf Paradox, II, 264.
Folkes, M., I, _136_; II, 301.
Fontenelle, I, _103_.
Forbes, D., I, _237_.
Forman, W., I, 296, _296_, 306.
Forster, T. I. M., I, 320, _320_.
Foscarini, I, _90_.
Foster, S., II, _310_.
Fourier, II, _66_.
Fox, G., I, _397_.
Francis, P., II, _96_.
Francoeur, I, _365_.
Frankland, W. B., I, 230, 287.
Franklin, J., II, _265_.
Freedom of opinion, Growth of, I, 265.
Freher, A., II, 319.
French academy on circle squaring, I, 163.
Frend, W., I, _196_, 196, 206, 208, 252.
Fresnel, II, _48_.
Fromondus, I, _74_, 74, 99.
Frost, I. and J., I, 394.
Fry, Elizabeth, I, 224.
Fuller, T., I, _86_.
Fulton, R., I, _148_.
Gadbury, J., I, _115_, 115.
Galbraith, J. A., II, 372.
Galileo, I, 5, 6, 32, _76_, 82, 83, 96, 122, 381.