time for church approaches.
11. Use the brightest and most cheerful room in the house for the
afternoon church. Add to the furnishings on Sunday anything which may
make the room even more than ordinarily attractive.
12. Chairs may be suitably arranged and a child can drive the others to
and from church in an imaginary carriage, as shown in one of the
pictures upon another page.
13. When the church is held in another room, an older child or person
can receive the attendants and usher them to seats.
14. Open the church service with singing. Select several simple
devotional hymns or songs, such as are used in the primary department of
Sunday-schools. Have all the children learn the tunes and teach a verse
of each song to any child that cannot read.
15. A collection can be lifted by one of the children. A toy bank may be
used in which to save the money received at this child's service, and
subsequently contributed through the Church or Sunday-school for
missionary purposes.
16. Teach the children the importance of saving from their own spending
money, or earning what they wish to give in the collection.
17. This money should always be regarded as sacred, and care should also
be exercised lest this little fund might become a source of temptation
to the children during the week.
18. At some time during the service a brief prayer should be offered.
This may consist of a sentence prayer by each in rotation or by all
uniting in the Lord's Prayer, or in some brief selection from the Prayer
19. When a child is willing or wishes to do so, have him preach the
sermon in his own way of expressing the thought, using the text or
object of the day for his subject. Always give the same interested
attention to him that is expected from him when another leads.
20. Some of the objects mentioned in the sermons can be easily and
cheaply obtained for use at the church. When such an object is secured,
it should not be shown to the children in advance of being used.
21. Do not prolong the service too greatly so as to weary the children.
Effectiveness and pleasure usually terminate at the same time. Lend
animation to the service and interest will not so soon flag. It is well
also to impart interest by having the parent enter heartily into every
part of the service.
22. A social period after "returning home" from the "children's church"
should be introduced. If the children have played driving to church
before the s