ry brittle at base.
[Illustration: S. Babylonica.]
5. =Salix Babylonica=, Tourn. (WEEPING WILLOW.) Leaves
linear-lanceolate, acuminate, finely serrate, smooth, glaucous beneath;
stipules small, roundish, oblique, acuminate; branches pendulous.
A large, gracefully drooping tree, so extensively cultivated for
ornament as to seem native; from Europe.
Var. _annularis_ (Ring-leaved Willow. Curled Willow) has the leaves
coiled round into rings and spirals.
[Illustration: S. lucida.]
6. =Salix lucida=, Muehl. (SHINING OR AMERICAN BAY WILLOW.) Leaves
thickish, ovate-lanceolate, with a rounded base, a very long acuminate
point, and a glandular petiole; when mature, smooth and shining on both
sides. Twigs rather stout, polished, and dark green. Bark of trunk
smooth. Fruiting catkins quite persistent. A beautiful small tree or
shrub, 6 to 15 ft. high, of bushy form. New Jersey, north and westward.
[Illustration: S. pentandra.]
7. =Salix pentandra, L.= (LAUREL-LEAVED OR BAY WILLOW.) Leaves ovate,
taper-pointed, crenate, glandular, smooth, glossy, bright deep green on
both sides, strongly fragrant when bruised. Catkins large, fragrant,
golden-yellow, with 4 to 12 (commonly 5) stamens to each flower. June,
after the leaves are expanded. A small handsome tree, 15 to 20 ft. high,
from Europe, which should be more extensively cultivated in damp soils,
as its form, flowers, and foliage are all beautiful.
[Illustration: S. cordata. Var. rufescens.]
8. =Salix cordata, Muehl.= (HEART-LEAVED WILLOW.) Leaves lanceolate or
ovate-lanceolate, heart-shaped, truncate or sometimes acute at base,
taper-pointed, sharply serrate, smooth above, pale-downy beneath;
stipules often large, kidney-shaped, and toothed, sometimes small and
entire. Catkins appearing with or before the leaves along the sides of
the stem; stamens 2; scales dark or black, hairy, persistent. Shrub or
small tree, 8 to 20 ft. high, very common in low and wet places. Many
named varieties are found.
Var. _rigida_ has large, thick, coarse-toothed leaves; vars.
_myricoides_ and _angustata_ have narrower, finely serrate leaves,
almost or fully acute at base.
[Illustration: S. purpurea.]
9. =Salix purpurea, L.= (PURPLE WILLOW.) Leaves lanceolate, pointed,
partly opposite, minutely serrate, smooth. Twigs olive-color or
reddish. Catkins cylindric, with leafy bracts at base, and apparently 1
stamen to each flower (the filaments are united). A shrub or small tree,