reach them from any quarter of the
city, town or village. Be able to direct a person
to the nearest place of worship to which they
desire to go, OR
Describe in a general way the township or county
in which you live giving the principal roads,
naming two of the nearest and largest cities or
towns, giving their distance from your residence
and telling how to reach them.
2. Know the route of the principal surface car and
subway lines, OR
The name of the nearest railroad division to your
residence and four of the principal cities or
towns through which it passes within a distance of
one hundred miles.
3. Know at least three historic points of interest
within the limits of your city, town or village,
how to get to them and why they are historic, OR
Tell of three things of interest concerning the
history of your own community.
4. Know the name and location of the Post Office,
Telegraph and Telephone Stations, Public Library,
City or Town Hall, one Hospital of good standing,
one hotel or inn, three churches, one Protestant,
one Catholic, one Synagogue, and the nearest
railroad, OR
Know the name, location and distance from your
home or village of the nearest Library, Hospital,
Church, Post Office, Telegraph and Telephone and
Railroad Stations.
5. Know the name and location of three buildings
or places in your city, town or village, of
interest from a point of beauty either of
architecture, decoration or surroundings, OR
Know and locate three places of interest within
ten miles of your home, because of beautiful views
or surroundings, OR give directions for taking a
walk through beautiful woods, lanes or roads.
6. Draw a map of the district around your home
covering an area of one quarter square mile,
noting streets, schools and other public
buildings, fire alarm boxes, at least one public
telephone booth, one doctor's office, one drug
store, one provision store, and four points of the
compass. Draw to scale, OR
Draw a map covering a half square mile of cou